Nothing To Do


At home with Jason (left) and Nathan. Photo by Bruno Bayley.

On the Falinge estate in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, over 75 percent of the residents of working age are on benefits. Many newspapers were up in arms about this, so we thought we would ask the few locals who would let us southern fairies into their homes what was going on. It turns out it’s often easier and more profitable to get a free flat and live on benefits and gambling than it is to work. On top of that, the estate is crammed with heroin zombies, dogs the size of lions, and homeless alcoholics who spill into it from the remand centre nearby.

Videos by VICE

Vice: Did you see the newspaper articles a while back about your estate being the benefits blackspot of the British Isles?

Nathan [surname withheld]:
Jason [surname withheld]: What are the main problems round here?

Jason: So why are there no jobs?

Nathan: Are drugs a problem for people your age?

Nathan: Do the addicts cause you much trouble?

Jason: What about the Salvation Army centre next door?

So you two both sign on?

Nathan: So if you can’t get a job, what do you actually do on a day-to-day basis?

Nathan: So it’s Tuesday now. You got your dole money yesterday, right?

Jason: Is it changing around here?

Jason: Nathan: