Cafe in China Faces Backlash After Dyeing Dogs to Look Like Pandas

panda bear dyed dogs painted cafe in china backlash animal crueltyBikin Anjing Dicat Supaya Mirip Panda, Kafe Hewan di Cina Panen Kritikan

Pet cafes have become increasingly popular, for good reason. They’re fun, have cute animals, and are perfect for people who can’t have pets. However, there is a responsible way to get in on this trend, one a cafe in China had to learn the hard way.

Putting cuteness over safety is Cute Pet Games Cafe in Chengdu, Sichuan province, which featured dogs made to look like mini pandas. Six Chow Chows were painted black and white to achieve the look, The Guardian reported. Pandas are very popular in Chengdu, which holds a big portion of China’s panda bear population.

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Backlash against the cafe hit after a video that featured the dogs went viral. In it, the owner identified as Mr. Huang said he offered dog-dyeing services to customers for 1,500 yuan ($212). A video posted by the Global Times on Twitter shows the painted dogs in action.

Huang told Honxing News that he treats the animals well and that the dye is imported from Japan and doesn’t harm the dogs. But a vet told Hongxing News that dye is harmful and can damage the dogs’ fur and skin.

Twitter users also criticised the cafe.

“Violating animal rights for personal gain cannot be forgiven,” @CameronRamirezz said.

“Boycott this business until they stop this rubbish, dogs have very sensitive skin,” wrote @PatsPat.

Other users are tired of seeing animals being dyed.

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