
Leo, The Lion

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July 22 – August 22

Lion tamers may rely on steaks as bait for their performers, but for self-satisfied and glamorous Leo, compliments and attention are all she needs to do her act.

The season of Leo correlates metaphorically with late childhood, an exciting and playful time where one can explore and show off their talents without the burden of labor, the complications of relationships, or the expectations of society at large. Like children, Leos are confident and often feel indestructible. Ask a Leo what they think their flaws are, and it’s they’ll likely reply, “Nothing.”

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These passionate and warm fire signs fall in the middle of the summer season, making them what’s called a fixed sign. Like security-conscious Taurus, Leos’ fixed nature makes them reliable and loyal—but maybe a little stubborn, too. They’re also excellent leaders, more mature than previous fire sign Aries, the baby of the zodiac, and a little more grounded than fellow fire sign Sagittarius, the explorer of the zodiac.

Their Tarot card and planetary ruler is the Sun, because, clearly, Leo is the center of the universe. Leo’s glyph symbolizes a lion’s glorious mane (Leos do love big, glamorous hair), and gold tones are often associated with this sign. For all the glam and gaudy associations with Leo, it’s interesting to note that Leo is known as one of the feral signs, untameable and wild. The body part associated with Leo is the heart. When a Leo isn’t being an attention hog, they’re quite generous, giving, and loving.

Regulus is the brightest star in the Leo constellation, and it’s the heart of the lion. When Regulus is strongly highlighted in a birth chart, it can be an omen of fame, royalty and courage—some of Leo’s favorite words.