
Aries, The Ram

aries personality traits image

March 21 – April 19

As generous and forgiving as they are defensive and short-tempered, an Aries is always happy to lend you money or ruin the lives of your enemies.

There is a sense of self-centeredness and fierceness associated with Aries, but as the newborn of the zodiac, their screams and kicks are less about war and aggression and more about their struggle to survive re-birth (the zodiac “dies” with Pisces and is reborn with Aries). An Aries wants to tell the world, Im here! The theme of rebirth and renewal is huge with Aries—just look at the holidays that fall during this sign’s season, Passover and Easter. Aries can sometimes be naive and trusting (and when that goes wrong, they can be very combative!), but they do believe in fresh starts. Aries people are loyal, forgiving, and generous.

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An Aries person always feels very satisfied when they learn their sign is the first sign in zodiac. Being number one is extremely important to them; they are a cardinal sign. Cardinal signs are the first sign of the season—they’re initiators and go-getters. As the first sign of spring, Aries is optimistic that, just like the snow, all our troubles and worries will melt away. After being pent up all winter, Aries is ready to run free and start fresh.

Even when the Ram feels like total crap, they still believe they’re as good as it gets—it’s that Fire sign confidence. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are passionate, fearless, and they act on instinct.

The Emperor card in the Tarot is associated with Aries, which makes sense because dominating a nation is an Aries’ dream come true. As an emperor, they get to act out their fiery aggression in war (so fitting for a sign ruled by the warrior god, planet Mars), and they get to receive the love of townsfolk after they’ve conquered their enemies. Perfect!

Even when the Ram feels like total crap, they still believe they’re as good as it gets.

Each sign rules a different body part, and Aries is associated with the head. Their glyph is based off of the ram’s horns, and it is said that an Aries person (or someone with plenty of Aries in their birth chart) will usually have a scar on their head. While there is a jock stereotype attached to Aries, they do use their head for more than head-butting. Psychology and philosophy are subjects Aries always finds interesting, and you can surely find a slew of self-help books on their bookshelf.

The constellation of Aries depicts the winged ram with Golden Fleece who was sacrificed to save Jason and the Argonauts. It’s a separate mythology from the Greek god of war, Aries; however, both myths contribute to the sign’s energy. The planet Mars is the sign’s ruler, so Aries people have a little bit of the warrior and the ram in them: Aries people are sweet, innocent young souls and fearless fighters. Red is associated with Aries, which totally fits perfectly: What other color can convey the confidence and drive Aries contains?

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