Happy solar return, Scorpio! The Sun is in your sign, which means it’s Scorpio season—the celestial spotlight is on you. The atmosphere is dreamy and romantic early this month, thanks to the Sun’s harmonious connection with the planet of fantasy, Neptune, on November 3. This is an especially cute time to connect with a crush or work on a creative project: Creative inspiration will be flowing freely, and people will be in the mood to get carried away by romance.
That said, the vibe won’t be completely easygoing— some unexpected surprises, nervousness, and chaos will erupt due to Venus opposing Uranus on November 3 (or 4th, depending on your time zone). Have a lover you were keeping a secret? Things may be revealed now. You’re shady as hell, Scorpio, but even you get caught sometimes. Or have you been slacking around your responsibilities? It will bite you in the butt in an unexpected way. While the energy may be confrontational during this time—and alarming, due to Uranus’s shocking nature—whatever transpires ultimately will lead to greater freedom and flexibility in your life. An unexpected ending will occur, one you did not see coming and one that you may feel like you accidentally, unknowingly brought on yourself, but ultimately, it will bring you toward greater freedom in your life.
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Major reveals will take place in your partnerships (romantic and otherwise) on this date. This isn’t just because of the unexpected situations Venus and Uranus will stir up when they clash, but also because there’s full moon in Taurus on November 3 (or, again, 4th, depending on your time zone). This full moon is in Taurus—a lush, green spring-time sign that symbolizes creativity and luxury, unlike you, slinking Scorpio, the sign of death, decay, and rebirth. (But it’s worth noting that rebirth mean flowers blooming and birds chirping. The whole wheel is connected, Scorpio; the zodiac is a circle of life that waxes and wanes!) We are in Scorpio season, a time to sit in our emotions and process the hard shit—but with each Scorpio season comes a full moon in Taurus, revealing to us the way we can find balance, peace, and tranquility as we work out our tough, emotional issues and process the profound changes that are taking place.
Between Neptune, Venus, Uranus, and the full moon, there will be a flurry of complicated feelings in the air early this month. We’ll feel numbed by Neptune and shocked by Uranus, and an opportunity to learn what the fuck is really going on—especially in our partnerships—will arrive with the full moon (which is sure to be an emotionally sensitive occasion), allowing us to see clearly what we need to do in order to move forward. Full moons are a time of culmination, climax, and letting go. Say goodbye to whatever is holding you back. That’s the only way you’ll find yourself with an upgrade. And isn’t that what you want, my little Scorpion?
Expect more talk about money to take place over the next few weeks once Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 5. Sagittarius is a lucky, abundant sign, and Mercury knows how to talk its way into (and out of) anything. This is a fantastic time for you to gather information or work on paperwork relating to your finances, or to have a conversation about money or your value. A helpful surprise or brilliant idea concerning cash or your day job will on November 25 when Mercury meets Uranus. If you’re working on any contracts, a good day will be November 27 (28thon the East coast) when Mercury meets the planet of commitment, Saturn.
Things may be revealed now. You’re shady as hell, Scorpio, but even you get caught sometimes.
Venus enters your sign on November 7, putting you in a more flirtatious, romantic mood than you have been in over the last few weeks. You’re one of the sexiest signs in the zodiac, but Venus’s charm will make you even more irresistible. You’ve been healing from past pain and re-balancing yourself emotionally; once Venus enters your sign, you’ll feel ready to reemerge.
The Sun makes an easy connection with power planet Pluto on November 9, bringing important, even secret, information your way. Saturn connects with Uranus on November 11, facilitating a helpful energy around transforming your schedule or budget to be more supportive and flexible for you.
Venus meets Jupiter on November 13, making this one of the most over-the-top, fun days of the month (Venus rules love, money, and beauty, and Jupiter is all about good luck). However, you’re going to need to be very mindful of communication issues, as messenger planet Mercury will clash with foggy, hazy Neptune on this day as well. You’re going to have a very strong, clear sense of your values at this time, but expressing what you need to others may still prove difficult. You’re going to feel sexy and powerful today, but save an important conversation for another time. Keep things light and easy—I know that’s hard for you, since you’re dark and heavy as hell, but that’s simply the best way to work with the energy for the time being! Things will feel dreamier, sexier, and more “you” on November 16 when Venus meets Neptune, creating a romantic, whimsical atmosphere—perfect for spending time with a crush or working on a creative project.
Information and assistance from an unexpected or unusual place or person arrives on November 17 when Mercury connects with Mars. Your psychic intuition will be especially strong today, and you’ll be feeling energized to handle some situations that have been eluding you lately. An especially intense day for communication will be November 19, when Mars clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, revealing information that you need to know—and that you may feel frustrated you weren’t already aware of. Again, listen to your intuition. You’re usually right!
The new moon in Scorpio arrives on November 18, bringing you a fresh start, an emotional makeover, and a chance to reconnect with yourself on a deep level. What does reconnecting with oneself mean? What is it, beyond “self-care” or “reflection?” Genuine reconnection with your center means making time to listen to your inner voice and reconnect with your heart. Connecting with yourself means getting clear on your boundaries—and once you do that, relating to others and leading a happier, healthier life is so much easier. It’s said that you can’t change others, but that you can change yourself. The fresh start that’s arriving during this new moon is centered on you, but it will radiate out from you, too, affecting all your relationships.
A shift in energy takes place on November 21, when Venus connects with Pluto and the Sun enters Fire sign Sagittarius. This is a powerful time for communication. Ask for what you want, because it’s likely you’ll get it. A powerful person may be able to help you behind the scenes. You’re seductive as hell today, so flirt, little scorpion!
Sagittarius season finds the Sun shining down the sector of your chart that rules finances and security, making this a great time for you to focus on creating a better budget and to reflect on whether or not you feel valued for the time and energy you put into your work— and life, in general. Good luck, and see you in December!
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Photo via Jess / A Girl With No Face