Oh, BAby!!! Someone Mashed Up Kendrick Lamar’s “King Kunta” with the ‘Seinfeld’ Theme Song so @Seinfeld2000 Intarviewed Them About What THE DEAL with It Is or Whatever

Illustration by @Seinfeld2000

HEy whats up!!!! Now i know what your thinking: “seinfeld2000 writing for NOSIEY? … Again? What is this, 2014?” um actualy bro, quick reality check: it 2015. Its been that way for a few month’s now. Maybe u need to get ur iphone looked at lol becase it sound like maybe the date is frozen on the screne of your iPhone 5S, im just basing my opinien on the type of questions ur asking me rn

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Look things have been hella busy i wont lie. But honestly? U have to admit that some times in life, things happen that are so MONUMENTEL, they simply canot be ignored. This is one of those times

u know kendrick lamar rite? Of course u do, hes one of the hotest rapers in the game. Obvi last week he “surprise dropped” his new album (relese dates no longar modarn) To Pimp A Buterfly. The album was a SMASH HIT on spotify where it was played like over One Billion times – leading to a record breaking €3,65 in profit (which Kendrick and Dr. dre split evenly rite down the midle and used it to each purchese one candy bar) and also it caused some critic to even questien there whole race. defintely this album is going to win at least five gramy at next year’s gramys.

Actualy lets just get it out of the way right now. We were going to publish this in december 2015 but heres my Top 10 Album Of 2015 List

3. Gorel Denguan – Tree of Shame
(u havent heart of it becase its realy obscure and also it doesnt come out until octobar but it basicaly the new Hosier smh)

2. Arcade Fire vs Diplo and Skrilex Present Jack U – Hurdy Gurdy Bounce Mix Vol. 1
(colaboration album between the gods Arcade Fire, Diplo and skirxel that they are going to surprise relese in Auguast. Laugh all u want but u wont know u needed the combinatien of Will Butler, Usher and justin bebier until you hear it. Surprise releasing August 19)

1. Kendrick Lamar – To Pimp A Butterfly
I think a “nuf said” is probably in order here. the record its real and its spectacular. But Jack Dudley a guy in london with a Soundcloud account just took it to the next level with this mash up of the album bangar King Kunta and what else?The seinfeld theme

Take a listen

Simply amazing. When it was first directed at my atention, i prompty tweted about it from my twiter account. But what hapened next will make u smile and cry at the same time. It got writen about across the internet from Vultuere to Billboard . even roger sterlings favorite online magazine if Mad men was modarn, esquire , got in on the actien.

Illustration by @Seinfeld2000

I had to get the scoop. So i reached out to both artists responsible for the track. First i made a profesional request for an interview with Kendrick

I got 16 retwetes and no response from kendrick. DOSENT HE KNOW IM ON DEADLINE SMH

Of corse u already know Noisey got that INSTANT CLASIC intarview with the god Jonathan Wolf who created the seinfeld theme, so all was left was for me to do was reach out to soundclaude user Jack Dudley who made the damn thing

Here is our intarview:

SEINFELD2000: k first questien – what inspire you to simply mash up kendrick lamar and seinfeld theme? I mean come on u have to admit its prety random lol
JACK DUDLEY: I’d basically been listening to To Pimp A Butterfly on repeat since it came out. Like, genuinely non stop. I’d also been following you for a while, I loved the concept so much. I mean, your account made me laugh more than anyone else on Twitter. So yeah, I think constantly thinking about “To Pimp A Butterfly” and “What If Seinfeld Still On TV” suddenly led to this revelation. But yeah, it was pretty random. I mean, I found it funny, but I think I underestimated the Kendrick Lamar/Seinfeld crossover demographic.

thank u. i agree i mean my twetes are prety much halarious but it still always nice to hear ;0. how has ur life changed since u posted your kendrick and seinfeld mash up online?
Like, this is the second interview I’ve done today, which is so so weird. The funniest thing is all these articles referring to me as a producer. Like, one said that I was “obviously a skilled producer” or something like that. I mean, I didn’t do anything that complex. I literally just overlaid the Seinfeld theme over King Kunta and fiddled with some settings until the KK beat was kinda drowned out. Apparently my parents have been listening to my mashup a lot. I don’t think they’ve ever heard a Kendrick Lamar song. I’m glad I could introduce them to K.Dot with a song that was so representative of him as an artist.

JACK PARENTS ARE GETING TURNT UP!!! shifting gears for a momant now. what do u think seinfeld would be like today? Like if it still on television or whatever. be honest
There would be no Kram tho. NBC would’ve fired Kramer, despite his 9 Emmys for Best Supporting Actor in a Comedy (assuming he kept winning). There would’ve been an Ice Bucket Challenge episode, where Gerg is never nominated. There would’ve been an episode where they were in line for the Yeezy Boosts in real time, like The Chinese Restaurant. There would’ve been a Soup Nazi spin off that was cancelled after three seasons. I think it would still be pretty good though. I think it would be comforting to know that Seinfeld was still on TV, kinda like The Simpsons.

k your in london rite?
Yeah, I am

so your like a few hours ahead of EST time

k so what im geting at is that your literaly in the future. any chance that theyve anounced that seinfeld is coming back to TV and we havent heard about it yet becase were 4 hours behind? i know its a long shot but it never hurt to ask
Hahaha no that hasn’t happe- Wait. What. SEINFELD 2 WAS JUST ANNOUNCED. BARRY B BENSON INSTEAD OF KRAMER. EVERYONE IS WEARING BAPE. George Shapiro is onstage doing the robot to Skrillex.

WTF!!!!! wait r u fucking with me this seem a litle to good to be true. like this is sus. i mean obviosly that would be amazing but ive been troled to many times
Newman now has a brother played by Kevin James. Called Newnewman. OH MY GOD. JERY JUST ROLLED UP SLEEVE REVEALING $10K GOLD APPLE WATCH.

WAIT WHAT? THey just anounced it and now there already an epsode on TV? And it debut in UK first? Im sory but this seem hella sus
I’m sorry, I just really wanted to impress you. I thought it would make you happy :(

this just fucked up my day
Please don’t be mad

this interview is over

@Seinfeld2000 is lying down for a bit now.