Watch Kanye West’s Full Democratic National Committee Fundraiser Performance

Photo by Virgil Abloh

Kanye West performed at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser at the Warfield in San Francisco this weekend, where he caught some light slander from the President for his abruptly proposed 2020 presidential bid. Footage of Kanye’s performance at the Obama hosted event has just surfaced. The DNC gig was staged very similarly to the 808s & Heartbreak shows at Hollywood Bowl last month, with West at the front of the stage backed by a silent chorus of models decked ostensibly in Yeezy Season 2 gear. The crowd got a career-spanning set heavy on hits but also deep cuts from 808s; dizzying transitions from opener “Say You Will” into “Power” and later from “Runaway” to “Coldest Winter” suggest that Kanye is finally tapping into the big, weird expanse of his discography. Stream the performance below. (via)

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