
Maggie Lee Has Some Syrup for Your Video


Tonight at Spectacle Theater Maggie Lee of Video Salad fame is throwing away her healthy, lettuce-based film diet to present a thing called Video Syrup. Judging from the trailer, it’s going to be a night of vaginas vomiting chains and maybe some aerobics? The evening will feature new works from people like Sandy Kim, William Strobeck, and Tara Sinn. Here’s what Maggie had to say:

“A cheerleader lies in day bed listening to the beat of her conch shell, a man becomes transfixed by a swirling blossom. Actual footage of only the messiest bedroom in Haiti, and sparks fly when two young punks meet. This is just a taste of what you will see tonight at Video Syrup, a night of rare and classic film shorts.

Videos by VICE

Artists featured are award-winning and emerging, with works ranging from animation to performance, experimental, and documentary.

One night only.”

Drinks provided by Bomb Lager

Spectacle Theater
124 S. 3rd Street
Brooklyn, NY
Screenings at 7:30, 9:30, and midnight.
