
  • Teenage Bullfighters

    We went to Merida, on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, to meet the world's youngest bullfighter, his parents, and his younger brother, who is also on his way to being the best at an old (and questionable) Mexican tradition.

  • Profiles by VICE - Trailer

    Profiles by VICE is a weekly window into our eccentric and idiosyncratic world. It airs Mondays on VICE.com. Keep an eye out for the series premiere, coming May 5.

  • Dispatches from a Mexican Bullfight

    There’s barely any room left for such an openly bloody, agrarian spectacle in a world that wants to sanitize everything.

  • An Ex-Bullfighter

    A bull named Terciopelo [Velvet] gored the Colombian bullfighter Álvaro Múnera, aka “El Pilarico,” in 1984, confining him to a wheelchair for life.
