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  • The Hidden Impacts of Climate Change

    VICE News meets Shyla Raghav, a UN delegate for the Maldives, an island nation threatened by rising sea levels.

  • Who Cares About Climate Change?

    VICE News sits down with climate scientist Heidi Cullen to discuss why it's so hard to get people to care about climate change and what can be done to help people understand its impacts.

  • In Photos: Inside the Paris Climate Talks

    While a state of emergency has severely constrained protests in Paris, security checks — and bakers — greet the thousands of attendees to the climate talks north of Paris.

  • Leaders Link Climate Change And Terrorism at Opening of Paris Climate Summit

    Over 150 heads of state are gathered in the French capital for the first day of talks aimed at securing an international agreement on climate change.

  • The Hangover News

    This weekend, hundreds of thousands took part in demonstrations against climate change, a mother was arrested after allegedly giving her young daughter beer and weed at a slumber party, and more.