
Pisces, The Fish

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February 19 – March 20

A Pisces can be one slippery fish to catch—but they’re a great catch nonetheless, thanks to their mystical, psychic powers. The last of both the emotional, sensitive Water signs and the flexible, communicative Mutable signs (signs that close the season), Pisces are adaptable. They desire to expand consciousness and learn ineffable mysteries.

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Associated with the end of life, Pisces falls at the end of winter and the end of the zodiac, waiting to be reborn at the spring equinox into Aries. The glyph for Pisces shows two connected fish swimming in opposite directions. The tarot card associated with Pisces is the Moon—a card which may sound romantic and dreamy, but which actually presents quite a bit of danger. It’s hard to see where you’re going when you only have the light of the moon to guide you. Luckily, the fish can rely on other senses, more psychic ones.

“Fearless” isn’t a word we often associate with Pisces; however, these fish truly are brave. Acceptance is one of their main strengths, and through their ability to absorb shock, surprise, and even tragedy, they’re able to maintain peace. There are some shady sides to our aquatic friends: They’re as good as bullshitting as the other Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius), but you wouldn’t think it because they come across and so sweet and innocent.

Pisces rules the feet, which is pretty funny, since fish have fins. Their modern day planetary ruler is Neptune, the god of the ocean. Traditionally, though, they’ve been under the rule of Jupiter, the planet of growth and abundance. The colors associated with Pisces are ocean blues and greens, but any psychedelic mish-mash of colors suits these hippy, trippy fish just fine. Often said to be a martyr, Pisces so badly wants to save the world. Hopefully they can do it before 2048, when salt-water fish will be extinct, or else we’re pretty much out of luck.