Everyday Magic: Rituals, Spells and Potions to Live Your Best Life author Semra Haksever is a practicing witch and the founder of Mama Moon Candles. Her new book preaches the gospel of casting particular spells during certain moon cycles: “Corresponding energies and elements of astrological signs can highlight which areas of our lives to focus on when creating spells,” she told Broadly. “Working with a moon cycle is working alongside nature as a guide for the type of spell work you do.” We asked her to create a bespoke spell to help you—and us—survive this month’s Venus retrograde.
Brace yourself: Venus, the goddess of love and war, is in retrograde until November 16.
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This is a time to beware risks of all kinds, whether it be an unhealthy friend with benefits–type situation, a bad habit that needs to be broken, or a general lack of self-control. Resistance and rebirth are key to searching deep within and connecting with your inner voice on how to banish old ways that are no longer serving you and bring you back to your heart’s center.
Here is a little spell that I have created to help ground your intuition and help make positive changes to remove negative energies, empower yourself, and provide yourself with all the tools and answers that will break through patterns that have been holding you back.
You will need:
A hot charcoal disc
Pestle and mortar
A ceramic or heatproof dish
1 pinch of thyme (to connect and trust your inner voice)
1 bay leaf (for strength and personal empowerment)
1 pinch rosemary (for clarity, wisdom and protection)
3 cloves (for courage)
A pen and paper
A black tourmaline crystal for some added assistance to keep you grounded
Before you start, be as chill as possible so you can really be mindful and in the moment of what you are doing. A nice breathing technique to get you in the right headspace: Close your eyes and gently breathe five counts in through your nostrils, then seven or eight counts out. Repeat this for at least a minute to feel nice and relaxed.
Blend the herbs in a pestle and mortar in a clockwise direction. As you do this, speak to the ingredients and tell the magical herbs how you would like them to help you.
When it feels right, light the charcoal and place a small pinch of the herb mixture on the hot coal. If you are using the crystal, hold the crystal over the smoke and allow it to soak up all of the magical properties of the herbs. Keep it with you for the month if you need any extra help with resistance or are feeling a little emotional.
Watch the smoke travel and know that it is carrying your cosmic wishes out in to the universe to bring you all you all of the blessings, guidance, and help you have asked for.
As this is happening, you will probably find that you may have some positive thoughts, or visions answering questions that come up. Take this time to write all of your thoughts down! Whether you are free-writing with your eyes closed or consciously writing a list, embrace your inner wisdom and connect to your intuition. Listen to it talking to you from a place of love and encouragement for what is best for you.
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Everyday Magic: Rituals, Spells and Potions to Live Your Best Life is out now on Hardie Grant.