
Monthly Horoscope: Aries, April 2022

Aries and Taurus

Happy birthday season, Aries! The sun is in your sign, which means it’s a fantastic time for celebration, creativity, and simply enjoying life! The celestial spotlight is on you and it’s an exciting moment to make introductions, start new projects, and reconnect with your sense of purpose.

A new cycle begins for you on April 1, thanks to the new moon in your sign, Aries: You may be giving yourself a makeover (it’s an exciting time to update your look!) or on a deeper emotional level, you may feel like you’re ready to approach your life and relationships in a new way. You might be noticing that you’ve outgrown old ways of moving in the world and rediscovering who you are. In some ways, this could be a little uncomfortable—because so many unknowns are on your mind—but it’s also exciting as you take on incredible new projects and build an even stronger relationship with yourself. 

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A new conversation arrives on April 2 as the sun and Mercury meet in your sign: You might discover a new perspective or share important news! Your ruling planet Mars meets Saturn in Aquarius on April 4, bringing an especially focused, determined atmosphere. The mood can be a bit serious or even grumpy; you might see the not-so-flattering side of a friend or social circle. You may decide to depart from a community, you might feel like an old dream you had no longer inspires you, or you may have to cut ties with something or someone.

You’re feeling more shy than usual as Venus enters Pisces on April 5. You’re especially appreciate of the folks you can sit in comfortable silence with. You may be eager to explore your fantasies at this time. A secret rendezvous with your lover might be in order! Mercury connects with Mars on April 8, kicking up conversation and picking up the pace of things. A straight-to-the-point discussion can take place or a new social connection may form.

Mercury squares off with Pluto and enters Taurus on April 10, which may find you learning secrets or interacting with powerful people. Your words can carry a lot of weight at this time. Incredible research might be taking place. Mercury in Taurus also inspires focus and determination, and may stir up talks about money, belongings, or security.

Jupiter meets Neptune in Pisces on April 12, bringing one of the most whimsical days of the year! Your imagination is especially strong at this time, but the sun also connects with taskmaster Saturn, helping you stay grounded. Jupiter is the planet of growth, but also exaggeration, while Neptune is the planet of dreams, but also delusions. It’s important not to get carried away by fantasies or paranoias at this time and it’s a key moment to give yourself a break, and indulge in a sweet escape of some kind!

This is a powerful time to explore your spiritual practice, explore the symbols that show up in your dreams, and explore your psyche in therapy. Mars enters Pisces on April 14, which could find you staying up later than usual, or having especially active dreams. You might feel eager to take a break from your everyday routine and catch up on quality time alone. This is an especially powerful opportunity to explore your subconscious and to process the past in therapy. Your imagination may be on fire, so find ways to stay grounded.

The full moon in Libra takes place on April 16, bringing a climax to a situation that’s been brewing in your relationships. You may be parting ways with someone at this time—or growing even closer! Things don’t have to be so black and white: Libra is all about compromise, and this full moon can find you reaching an understanding with someone.

Mercury connects with Venus on April 17, inspiring a friendly, flirtatious atmosphere, and Mercury meets Uranus in Taurus on April 18, bringing surprising news or a creative solution, especially concerning money. Also on April 18, Venus connects with Uranus, which may bring an unexpected gift, and the sun squares off with Pluto, finding you navigating around some big egos. A tremendous change may be taking place in your career at this time, and power is a big theme. Notice whether you feel any control issues coming up (or if someone subjects you to theirs), and bring in a third party to help. 

Taurus season begins on April 19 and the sun lights up the financial sector of your chart, encouraging you to explore and share your many talents! Mercury squares off with Saturn on April 24, which may find us confronting delays or obstacles in communication, or facing criticism or a rejection. Planning for the future may feel difficult at this time. However, Mercury connects with Neptune on April 24, which might help smooth a difficult conversation and inspire grace. Feelings can be shared, and it’s a fantastic time to journal, meditate, and connect with your inner voice. 

Mercury connects with Jupiter and Venus meets Neptune on April 27, bringing good news and romance! Big ideas can be shared, though there may be some exaggerations, too: Don’t make any big promises, but do enjoy the uplifting atmosphere, generosity, and free-spiritedness that flows. Fantasies can be explored, and people are likely in the mood to connect on a deep, emotional level.

Secrets may be shared, especially as Mercury connects with Pluto on April 28. Strong spiritual bonds can form, and it’s a potent moment for deep soul searching. Venus and Neptune’s meeting urges you to connect with your heart’s desire, but you might feel a bit unsure about what that is: Mercury and Pluto’s connection can help you figure out what you want, as this combination inspires radical honesty and transformation. 

Pluto retrograde begins in Capricorn and Mercury enters Gemini on April 29, which can bring an especially intense atmosphere. Pluto’s retrograde activates the sector of your chart that rules your career, reputation, and legacy, and you may be very focused on these themes at this time. Questions about power—who should have it and what should be done with it—are in the air, and Mercury in Gemini encourages curiosity and flexibility as we navigate conversations. Pluto is the planet of the underworld, and it asks us to look beneath the surface. Mercury in Gemini is quick, witty, and leaves no stone unturned: Intriguing information be revealed at this time, especially as the solar eclipse in Taurus takes place on April 30. 

Eclipses often find us considering things from a totally unexpected perspective or beginning a radially new journey. For you, dear Aries, this can be a transformative time in terms of your finances, self-esteem, how you utilize your talents, or your relationship to material security. This eclipse takes place on the heels of Pluto beginning its retrograde journey, and you’re reflecting on your career or life in public, perhaps undergoing a transformation concerning these themes. Also during this eclipse, Venus meets Jupiter, inspiring a big-hearted, sentimental atmosphere: Amidst all the change, you might be feeling like luck is on your side.

Good luck this month, Aries, and see you in May!