You’re hard at work with the sun lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your reputation and your career. An important opportunity to show your leadership skills comes on January 2, when the sun meets with taskmaster Saturn. The energy that day is a little grumpy—but it’s still good for getting work done! Mercury also meets with Saturn on January 13, another day to prove to the world that you are an authority in what you do.
It’s often said that Aries people love to start projects but rarely finish them. The truth is that rams are as successful as any other sign—but more impulsive and quick to start things compared to the other slow-moving signs! In fact, one could say that Aries has a better shot of making it big because they get off their butt and chase their dreams, ditching the projects that aren’t going anywhere and continuing with the ones that are bringing them success, joy, or both!
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On January 4, Mercury connects with Uranus, bringing exciting news from faraway places, and then enters Capricorn to bring news and work contracts your way over the next three or so weeks. Creativity at work is also flowing on January 4, as the sun connects with Neptune—the planet of imagination. Achievement is certainly a big word for you this month, dear ram, thanks to the solar eclipse Capricorn on January 5. If you’re on the wrong track in your career, this eclipse will be a course correction. You might feel like you’re in the dark about what’s coming next—and exhausted, too. It’s important to pace yourself now, and know that you don’t need to see the future—you just need to be present.
Especially transformative days in your career this month, in addition to the solar eclipse, are January 11, when the sun meets with Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth, and January 18, when Mercury meets Pluto. I’m sure you’ve heard that you’re intimidating before—this will definitely be the case on these two days! While the eclipse is the primary focus of change in your career this month, it might find you exhausted—but the sun and Mercury’s meeting with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, will find you ready to tackle whatever comes your way!
Capricorn and Saturn, its planetary ruler, have an energy that’s all about dependability… but you will find yourself itching for freedom as Uranus ends its retrograde on January 6. January 18 is also a day to circle on your calendar, as the sun will square off with Uranus, which brings major breakthroughs and unexpected surprises. You’re a very independent person who has always done things your own way, but you’ll be especially touchy about anyone locking you into a mode of being that’s not you. This month is very heavy on the career front, which may require you to present yourself in a certain mature, responsible way…but, you certainly won’t do it in a way that’s boring or traditional! Uranus’s influence this month shows that you will be a rebellious agent of change and innovation.
Plenty of fun comes when Venus enters fellow fire sign Sagittarius on January 7: A love letter may arrive in your inbox. A much-needed vacation to a gorgeous location could come, too! This is a wonderful time to connect with people, especially on an intellectual level by discussing your beliefs and visions for the future. Just watch out for a confrontational energy when communication planet Mercury squares off with your ruling planet, Mars, on January 8!
Jupiter clashes with Neptune on January 13 for the first of three times this year, which will find you deepening your spirituality. Your belief systems are being restructured. My only advice would be to avoid cultish groups or people who offer promises that sound too good to be true!
Mercury connects with Neptune, the planet of fantasy, on January 14, making for an especially creative day. Venus connects with Mars on January 18, bringing fun, romance, and creativity—you’re in the mood to explore and try new things! The sun enters Aquarius on January 20, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your social life, and you’re so ready to spend time with your friends (and show off your accomplishments) after a long month of hard work.
Also on January 20, Venus squares off with Neptune, which will find you examining the ways you may have been overly idealistic…unless, you’re just high on life, which is a strong possibility! An especially fun day arrives on January 22, when lovely Venus meets with lucky Jupiter, bringing fantastic adventures your way.
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Surely the most dramatic day this month is January 21, thanks to the lunar eclipse in Leo, which also happens to be a super moon. This eclipse brings a critical turning point in your love life, as well as the creative projects you have been working on. Eclipses are highly emotional, so some big tears (or loud lion’s roars) may take place—you’re demanding respect, but to be honest, you’re also fighting for your right to party. You see, you had an especially boring time during last summer thanks to Mars retrograde, and you’ve already focused heavily on work this year—now you just want to have fun! Leo is all about celebration, and you deserve sexual partners, creative partners, and friends who lift you up, appreciate you, and have fun with you. This could mean a break up will take place—but trust that what’s meant to go will go. That’s what eclipses do: clear out what’s not for us, and invite in what is.
Your ruling planet Mars squares off with Saturn on January 21, finding you confronting obstacles—especially in your public life. Mercury squares off with Uranus on January 23, bringing surprising news before entering Aquarius on January 24, finding you connecting with plenty of exciting people.
Mars connects with lucky Jupiter on January 25, and you’re getting shit done—you have luck on your side! You’re prepared and opportunities abound! You’re feeling like your fearless self and are ready to embark on the adventures Jupiter in Sagittarius is inviting you on this year. Important insights arrive on January 29, when the sun meets with Mercury, and wrapping up the month, we have Saturn connecting with Neptune on January 31, asking you to trust your intuition and finding you feeling supported in the world. Good luck this month and see you in February!
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