
Monthly Horoscope: Cancer, December 2020

Sagittarius and Capricorn

The sun in Sagittarius illuminates a busy sector of your chart that rules your daily rituals, your job, and your wellness routine, which means that this time of year finds you tackling to-do lists, rethinking your upcoming schedule, and reflecting on how you can take better care of yourself. Communication planet Mercury enters Sagittarius on December 1, helping you get organized as you make plans, handle paperwork, edit your wardrobe, and take care of your projects. It’s a busy time of year, and with the planet of the mind, Mercury, in Sagittarius, you are even more focused on getting it all done!

But there’s also room for romance this month: Sexy Venus in fellow water sign Scorpio connects with dreamy Neptune in Pisces on December 5, making for an over-the-top, whimsically romantic energy! If you’re not looking for love, this is still a wonderful time for creativity, and for having fun! Just watch out for confusion in the coming days as the sun clashes with hazy Neptune on December 9, which means some miscommunications may take place or you will just be very exhausted! Take it slow, and cut yourself (and others) some slack. Don’t overbook yourself at this time. 

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Help from powerful partners arrives on December 10 as Venus mingles with Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is the lord of the underworld, and when it makes a harmonious connection with seductive Venus, hidden desires are explored and secrets are shared, making this a special time in your relationships. An energetic boost arrives, especially in your career, as the sun connects with Mars in Aries on December 11. This bodes especially well for your finances! But again, watch out for confusion on December 13 as Mercury squares off with Neptune: There may be miscommunications or delays as you go about your daily business.

Important changes take place during the solar eclipse in Sagittarius on December 14. Nothing is ever the same after an eclipse, and they have a fated feeling about them. If you believe in destiny, this is certainly a day to circle on your calendar! You may be kicking a bad habit at this time, or starting a routine that will dramatically change your life. A major change concerning your day job could also take place. A special pet might enter your life, too! Again, Sagittarius season is all about your everyday routine, so during this eclipse, your daily world is transforming. 

You may feel especially exhausted or emotional at this time, but solid support arrives as Venus mingles with Saturn, which is currently in Capricorn, on December 15. This is a solid time in your relationships to discuss plans and expectations for the future. Also on this day, Venus enters Sagittarius, bringing some sweetness to your everyday routine. Venus is the planet of beauty, so this is a great opportunity to rethink your skin care routine and your wardrobe. You’re also likely to bump into some cuties while you run your errands! You and your partners will be discussing what’s important on a day-to-day basis, like your expectations of how frequently you check in or your responsibilities around the home.

Saturn and Jupiter enter Aquarius on December 17 and 19, respectively, finding you stepping into a greater tole of responsibility, especially concerning financial issues. People are eager to invest in you, but with this level of power, you will also have to learn how to manage it all!

Communication planet Mercury enters your opposite sign Capricorn on December 20, finding your partners in an especially expressive mood. This is a great time to connect, to learn about your partner’s perspectives, and to meet new people, too! The winter solstice arrives on December 21, and with the sun entering Capricorn, your focus is squarely on your relationships. Jupiter and Saturn align on December 21, marking the beginning of an important journey of managing wealth, especially things like debts, taxes, and inheritances. Shared resources are a major theme of this planetary alignment, and with the sun and Mercury in Capricorn, it’s a great time to have productive conversations about how money, energy, time, and resources will be shared with your lovers, creative collaborators, and business partners.

Tempers are short on December 23 as Mars clashes with Pluto—don’t pick fights at this time unless you are ready to say goodbye. Conflict arises between your relationship needs and your career goals, and it’s important to be patient about which moves you make. Anger is a valid emotion, but make sure you find healthy, productive outlets. The mood shifts as Uranus connects with Mercury and the sun on December 25 and 27, respectively, bringing unexpected news and thrills in your social life. This is an exciting time to connect with people—in fact, you may meet some eccentric, exciting folks! 

The month wraps up with a full moon in your sign, Cancer, on December 29, and Venus squaring off with Neptune on December 30. Full moons are all about release, and this one will find you letting go of parts of yourself you have outgrown. You’re feeling like a new person, and with that, the dynamics in your home, in your relationships, and in your career are changing, too.

You may be especially emotional at this time, so let yourself have a good cry under the light of the full moon! Now is the time to let it out! Be gentle and forgiving of yourself; Venus’s clash with Neptune will find us all feeling sensitive, and you, dear crab, will be wondering whether you’ve made the right decisions and or having been thinking about things the right way. Don’t try to figure it all out right now—these things take time, so just notice how you feel, and remember that with Neptune, the planet of fantasy and delusion, things are not always what they seem. Perhaps things will turn out much better than you expect! Conversely, if someone is making big promises at this time, enjoy the optimism, but don’t place any bets quite yet. 

Good luck this month, Cancer, and see you in January!