
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, May 2023


The sun in fellow earth sign Taurus illuminates the romance and creativity sector of your chart, making it an exciting time of year to connect with a crush or established partner, to make art, and simply celebrate life! But first, you could be contending with financial concerns as Pluto retrograde begins in Aquarius on May 1. Power struggles or control issues may become apparent and need to be dealt with.

Mercury retrograde meets the sun in Taurus on May 1, which could find you reconnecting with something—or someone—you really love. You may be realizing something important about what’s valuable to you. May 4 might also find you struggling with communication difficulties as Venus in Gemini squares off with Neptune in Pisces: Be careful not to fill in the blanks of what other people say. Your take could be too pessimistic, optimistic, or out of touch with the reality of how they feel or what they can provide, and it’s better to accept that you’re unsure for now, and things will clear up as the conversation continues!

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Venus connects with Jupiter in Aries, inspiring warmth and abundance at home on May 5, plus the lunar eclipse in Scorpio takes place on this day! This lunar eclipse marks a big shift in your social life: Drama could flare up in your friend group or communities. The power struggles within these groups may come to a head, and the changes that take place may be radical. Someone who held a lot of sway or influence might be challenged. You may be exiting a community or a friendship, or embracing a new circle of friends. The changes that take place at this time might be tiring and emotional, but things can also feel fated or meant-to-be. On a personal, emotional level, you can find that an old dream or wish has transformed into a new goal for the future. Ask yourself whether you’re surrounded by the people you want to have beside you when you achieve this vision.

Venus enters your opposite sign Cancer on May 7, bringing blessings to the relationship sector of your chart. While friendships were tested during the eclipse, Venus in Cancer bodes well for both romantic and platonic relationships. People are willing to open up and be vulnerable. A sweet, protective side of your loved ones may be revealed. Silly is one of the last words astrologers would use to describe your zodiac sign, Capricorn, but at this time, you and your partners are goofing off, and you’re truly enjoying it! Unexpected fun could arrive as the sun meets Uranus in Taurus on May 9 and an exciting new hobby or creative project could begin.

Mercury retrograde connects with your ruling planet Saturn in Pisces and Venus on May 12, finding you reworking travel or educational plans, editing your work, and running into people from your past. Venus connects with Saturn on May 13, which bodes well for communication within your partnerships. A solid, focused energy flows, and productive discussions about responsibilities and expectations take place. Mercury retrograde ends on May 14, and its post-shadow period ends on June 1: During this time, many of the plans and discussions that were delayed, reworked, or confused during the retrograde can finally straighten out and move forward.

Mars in Cancer connects with Neptune on May 15, inspiring a productive and compassionate atmosphere for communication. People are straightforward at this time, while still tactful, sympathetic, and understanding. The intuitive bond you share with someone can deepen.

Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, bringing plenty of fun and excitement! If you’re looking for love, opportunities to connect with exciting people could come your way. If you’re already in love, more fun and connection might be in store. Creative breakthroughs take place at this time, and invitations to parties flood your inbox. However, some important decisions about money, and how you’ll fund all this fun, take place as Jupiter squares off with Pluto in Aquarius on May 17. You might rework your budget or your approach to money in some significant way.

The sun connects with Neptune on May 18, bringing a message of support, reassurance, or appreciation. You may be revisiting discussions that took place around May 12 as Mercury connects with Saturn on May 19—this time, Mercury is retrograde, so planning for the future and sorting out details is much easier! An agreement could be reached; paperwork may be handled.

Also on May 19, there’s a new moon in Taurus! New moons symbolize new beginnings, and new opportunities to fall in love or connect deeply with a partner, arise! A new creative project could also begin at this time. Taurus is all about beauty and serenity, and this new moon calls you to bring more peace and pleasure into your life: Celebrate this new moon by spending time with people you love, enjoying great food, music, and beautiful scenery. Jupiter’s square with Pluto earlier this month found you feeling like you shouldn’t spend too much money on fun, but sitting on a park bench laughing with your friends doesn’t cost a thing! Invite joy into your life however you can.

Mars enters Leo and opposes Pluto on May 20, shifting your focus to finances. A power struggle or control issue regarding money could come to a head. In general, Mars in Leo bodes well for settling debts, taking care of taxes, and fearlessly organizing bills that may have gone unopened or stuffed away in some drawer. As Mars opposes Pluto, there’re no more hiding from your financial concerns: It’s time to get real, make a plan, and confront any situations that have been brewing in the background. If you have no financial concerns at all, perhaps this alignment will find you simply rethinking your relationship with money or how you approach finances with partners. The sun enters Gemini and connects with Pluto on May 21, inspiring a productive atmosphere and facilitating a great transformation in your wealth and security. 

Gemini season in general finds you feeling busy; you’re tackling your to-do list and taking care of chores with great focus and determination. A new gig could come your way. You might also be focused on your wellness routine, getting reorganized and reworking your schedule. The sun connects with Mars on May 22, helping you tie up any loose ends, and Mars squares off with Jupiter on May 23, bringing you a big burst of energy! Just watch out for bickering and over-indulgence.

Venus connects with Uranus on May 26, perhaps bringing some novel thrills and unexpected romance. The sun squares off with Saturn on May 28, which could find you setting important boundaries around communication and other people’s access to you. Your time is important and you’re setting limits on how much of it you give away to others.

Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in June!