
Monthly Horoscope: Capricorn, September 2020

Virgo and Libra

Welcome to Virgo season, Capricorn! Virgo vibes find you eager to travel, but with COVID-19 considerations in place, travel may look very different for you this year. Education is also a major theme for you at this time, and figuring out how you will attend classes is a big concern during Virgo season, dear Capricorn. Even if you’re not in school anymore, attending webinars or listening to lectures about inspiring topics are experiences you’re likely to dive into as the sun moves through fellow earth sign Virgo. You’re just eager to expand your mind! You’re expanding your reach, too: You may be publishing something or sharing exciting news, especially as Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn on September 1. 

A conversation that’s been building comes to a climax with the full moon in Pisces on September 2. Full moons are emotional periods that are all about release, and full moons in Pisces are especially intense, since Pisces is a deeply feeling sign that’s the last sign in the zodiac, which intensifies the feeling of “goodbye” and endings. This can mean many things for you, Capricorn: You may find yourself done with a conversation, walking away from something, or coming to a compromise with someone with quite a different perspective than you. This full moon is a major learning experience, and you’re shedding your old views of the world and old ways of communicating. 

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This full moon is potent for your relationships as Venus in Cancer opposes your ruling planet Saturn, currently in your sign. You’re not settling for less, and endings may take place if your partners can’t live up to your expectations. Boundaries are made clear, and partnerships that can meet your expectations will grow in strength. Also during this full moon, unexpected celebrations or creative achievements take place as the sun connects with electric Uranus in Taurus: Things may be coming to an end and tension may foment in your relationships, but breakthroughs are taking place that reassure you that the future is rich with possibilities. 

Mercury’s connection with Saturn on September 3 helps you set commitments while Venus’s clash with Mars in Aries on September 4 creates a competitive atmosphere—this should be pretty fun, though, as people will be feeling playful and flirtatious! Bonds are strengthened in your close relationships and communication is open-hearted as Mercury also mingles with Venus on September 4. A partner may share some sweet news or kind words. 

Messenger planet Mercury enters Libra on September 5, boosting communication in your career, making it a great time to open conversations with your bosses, mentors, and elders, as well as to connect with your fans, followers, and the public. Mercury is the planet of the mind, and you’ll be doing lots of career strategizing at this time. Libra, as the sign of relationships, also asks you to consider how you can lean into your partnerships—romantic and professional—to achieve great success and fulfillment in your work. 

Leo is the sign of loyalty, and as Venus moves through this sign on September 6, you will see who is willing to invest in you! September 9 is certainly a day to mark on your calendar: Lucky energy flows as the sun connects with expansive Jupiter, currently in your sign, boding well for your travels, schooling, and intellectual endeavors. Mars retrograde also begins in Aries on this day, which may stir up some frustrations at home, especially if you are moving, renovating, or generally making changes to your living situation or family dynamic. 

Communication issues are highlighted on September 11 as the sun opposes Neptune: Be careful of miscommunications and half-truths. You may also feel mentally drained, so let yourself rest! Jupiter ends its retrograde on September 12, inspiring an over-the-top atmosphere. There’s so much of the world you’re ready to take on, but pace yourself, Capricorn! Patience is one of your best qualities, and it will come in handy now as you make great plans. A few days later, the sun mingles with power planet Pluto on September 14, finding you stepping into your own power in a major way—you’re feeling deeply connected with your inner knowledge and accessing information that propels you toward your goals. Venus squares off with Uranus on September 15, and you’re craving something new. You’re in the mood to experiment, feeling annoyed by any restricting partnerships. 

New opportunities are on the horizon! The new moon in Virgo on September 17 sets a new cycle in motion, bringing new adventures your way. Mercury clashes with Jupiter during this new moon, inspiring a “dream big” energy. And while there is potential for exaggerations, the sun connects with Saturn, helping balance the energy by creating a grounding atmosphere that encourages responsibility and helps you make solid long-term plans that are rooted in reality, not fantasy. Important information comes to light on September 21 as Mercury clashes with Pluto, and Libra season begins on September 22, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your career and reputation, making this a powerful time to step into leadership positions. But remember to carefully consider how much of yourself you want to share with your colleagues, on social media, and with the world. Blocks around communication come up as Mercury clashes with Saturn on September 23; however, commitments that need to be readjusted will make themselves obvious at this time, so tend to your responsibilities and adjust what needs to be rearranged or upgraded. 

A shift in communication takes place on September 27 as Mercury enters Scorpio, bringing you news from friends and creating a supportive energy around networking, sharing ideas, planning for the future, and focusing on the causes you’re passionate about. Libra season finds you focused on your career and public reputation, but Mercury in Scorpio finds you discussing the deeper reasons you’re involved with the communities you belong to and why you’re doing the work you do. Partnering with others is also a major theme during this time—are you in the power couple you long to be in? Do you feel supported in your professional relationships? Have you been working alone, afraid to rely on anyone else for success? Reflect on what you need to change in your professional and intimate relationships.

Emotional clarity arrives as darling Venus, the planet of values, connects with action planet Mars, the go-getter of the zodiac, on September 28. Yes, Mars retrograde means the go-getter isn’t going as quickly or gracefully as usual, but this helpful connection with Venus still bodes well for peaceful energy. You might not have what you want right now, but you’re feeling content with what you do have. You’re deeply reflecting on your responsibilities, boundaries, fears, and plans for the future as Saturn ends its retrograde on September 29. Mars retrograde also clashes with Saturn on this day, finding you thinking back to August 24. It’s crucial you’re patient and consider long-term strategies over quick fixes, especially concerning issues at home and with family. 

Good luck this month, Capricorn, and see you in October!