
Monthly Horoscope: Gemini, September 2019

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You’re usually a total busybody, Gemini, but Virgo season puts you in a more introspective mood, slowing down to focus on your home and family life. September finds you retreating from public life to reconsider your career path and realign yourself emotionally.

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The month opens with juicy emotional breakthroughs as your ruling planet Mercury makes a harmonious connection with Uranus in Taurus, bringing unexpected conversations and genius ideas that help you move on from the past and embrace new ways of thinking. Also on September 1, Venus in Virgo connects with Saturn in Capricorn, creating a supportive energy and helping you negotiate plans that will keep you secure and stable.

The sun meets Mars in Virgo on September 2, beginning a new cycle in your life: You may be moving or otherwise making a huge change to your living situation. You’re releasing the past, and it’s a great time to toss out or donate things you no longer need. Also on this day, Venus clashes with Jupiter in Sagittarius, bringing a burst of good luck and fun opportunities to spend time with people who inspire and delight you—just be careful not to over-indulge! A productive energy flows on September 3, as Mercury, Mars, and the sun meet in Virgo, inspiring you to reorganize something at home or begin an important conversation concerning security, privacy, or boundaries.

Venus opposes Neptune in Pisces on September 4, and you find yourself feeling confused about where you fit in. Be careful not to be taken advantage of this month: Neptune is the planet of delusion and Venus wants to feel good, so when these two planets oppose, we may find ourselves believing anything just so we can feel whatever emotion we’re chasing—but this will result in embarrassment, or worse, losing your credibility! It’s very important that you find ways to stay grounded and curb your paranoia at this time. If you hold off on decision making and suspend your desire for fast results, this could prove to be an amazingly creative time for you, Gemini. On September 5, your ruler Mercury connects with Saturn, inspiring you to communicate your limits and boundaries, supporting you if you need to deliver any bad news or end a situation, and helping you stay grounded.

Communication in your relationships gets a boost when Mercury clashes with Jupiter on September 6, just watch out for exaggerations! Plans are discussed and a supportive energy flows as the sun connects with Saturn on this day, and Venus connects with Pluto in Capricorn, inspiring you to dive deep into emotionally charged situations. This is a powerful time to bond on an intense, emotional level with your partners. Themes concerning being taken care of (perhaps financially) will surface. Watch out for miscommunications, distractions, and lies as Mercury opposes Neptune on September 7! Neptune is the planet of fantasy, and Mercury cares about the details—when these two energies clash, you must be wise about what advice you take.

A boost of luck and confidence arrives when the sun clashes with Jupiter on September 8, but we’re also met with some inflated egos. You get the inside scoop you’ve been wanting as Mercury connects with Pluto on this day, helping you get to the bottom of some of the B.S. that’s been shared this month. A productive and stabilizing energy flows in your personal life on September 9, when warrior planet Mars connects with the planet of rules and commitments, Saturn. But things get hazy again on September 10 as the sun opposes Neptune—you’re feeling lost and unsure what direction you want to head. There are so many options ahead of you, and you don’t know which is the right one. It’s not the time for decision making, Gemini—take things slow. Be especially mindful of the ways you spend your energy on September 12, and don’t pick any fights as they’re likely to be blown out of proportion as Mars clashes with Jupiter—the last thing you need this month is another energy suck!

You might be wondering if Neptune has robbed you of having a good month, but I’m happy to report that you will have fun! Your planetary ruler Mercury meets sweet Venus on September 13, bringing you a bubbly, social atmosphere that’s perfect for entertaining in your home. This day also finds you connecting with powerful people and making intense emotional transformations as the sun meets Pluto, the planet of rebirth.

  • Invite friends over for a dinner party and use it as an opportunity to upgrade your dishware!
  • Not sure what to cook? Use a meal-kit service to plan out your dishes and get all the ingredients you need.
  • Make sure you’ve got the music covered with this cute bluetooth speaker.

A tricky full moon in Pisces arrives on September 14, and Mars opposes Neptune, imbuing this full moon with even more magic, mystery, and mayhem. An important culmination in your career is taking place, but you have to watch out for sleazy, lazy, lying, or sneaky people. This is not the time to make commitments. Full moons are emotional, so instead of making critical decisions right now, challenge yourself to feel your feelings. A wonderful change in energy arrives during this full moon as Mercury and Venus enter fellow air sign Libra, bringing fun, romance, and creative inspiration your way. Saturn ends its retrograde on September 18, and you reach a turning point in your inner work and finances. A burst of energy arrives on September 19 as Mars connects with Pluto, helping you move through Neptune’s slog—just watch out for big tempers!

Jupiter clashes with Neptune for the third and final time this year on September 21. Think back to January 13 and June 16, the last time these planets faced off, since similar issues resurface for you to work with. Jupiter and Neptune are both very spiritual planets. Neptune is the eternal idealist; Jupiter, the optimist. They see the potential in everything, but things don’t always reach their full potential, and as these planets clash, you may find yourself let down by your career path or relationships. The mood is grumpy as Mercury clashes with Saturn on September 22, but there is still a focused energy that helps you figure out your next steps.

The atmosphere shifts as Libra season begins on September 23—the sun illuminates this fun, flirty, air sign, bringing a boost to your love life and creative endeavors, and a flurry of party invitations! Good news arrives on September 24 as Mercury connects with Jupiter, and it’s a lovely time to network and meet with partners. Just watch out for rejection on September 25, when Venus clashes with Saturn—don’t ask for a favor or plan a romantic outing at this time! Important information that may have been concealed comes to light on September 26 as Mercury clashes with Pluto; this is an especially potent time to get to the root of your own problems if you’re in therapy.

  • Consider getting matched with a therapist online if you haven’t been able to find one in-person that you’ve clicked with yet.
  • Don’t show up to all those parties empty-handed! Give your host a small but thoughtful gift like this beautiful candle.
  • If you’re networking, make sure people remember you with a custom business card made from recycled materials.

A confusing month ends on a pleasant note when a new moon in Libra arrives on September 28, offering a clean slate, and an easy, pleasant energy flows in your social life and relationships as sweet, sexy Venus mingles with lucky Jupiter! Make time to enjoy yourself, Gem: go to a party, make art, make out with someone cute. Cast a spell to bring more joy and romance to your life. Good luck this month, Gemini, and see you in October!

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