
Monthly Horoscope: Leo, March 2023


The sun in sensitive water sign Pisces can be an emotional time of year for you, dear Leo: Deep connections could be forming in your relationships, but you might also be learning important lessons about letting go. Money could also be a big focus for you now, as issues like taxes, debts, and bills are front of mind. You and your partners can be focused on issues involving shared resources. Serious topics are up for consideration, but lightness and joy are also in the air on March 2 as Venus and Jupiter meet in fellow fire sign Aries! Good news, perhaps from afar, may arrive. An exciting invitation could be extended, and an inspiring discussion can take place. A fun trip or excursion may unfold. The mood is romantic and easygoing, and you can have meaningful conversations with your partners.

Mercury meets Saturn in Aquarius on March 2, boding well for planning commitments with partners. Logistics can be worked out! Deep discussions about love and money take place as Mercury enters Pisces, also on March 2. You may be connecting with your intuition in some deep and significant way. The sun in Pisces connects with Uranus in Taurus on March 6, bringing excitement in your career; you may experience some unexpected success!

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There’s a full moon Virgo on March 7, which could bring a situation concerning money, or your general sense of security and comfort, to a climax. An important realization about what’s truly important and valuable takes place. You may be selling something valuable, exploring new streams of income, or reworking your budget.

Also on March 7, Saturn enters Pisces, marking a big change in how you set boundaries around money and your financial expectations from partners. Saturn is the planet of limitations, but Pisces is the zodiac sign of limitlessness, making this an interesting planetary placement: On one hand, you could be approaching finances with more seriousness and determination, but on the other, your luck and your faith in creativity could also be guiding you. Ultimately, Saturn in Pisces asks you to set firm boundaries around money and to not let those lines get blurred with partners. 

Venus connects with Mars in Gemini and Mercury connects with Uranus on March 11, inspiring a fun, busy atmosphere in your social life that’s lovely for networking and connecting with friends, and exciting developments could take place at work, too. A brilliant solution to a tricky problem could be found. But things move at a slower pace as Mars squares off with Neptune in Pisces on March 14. There may be misunderstandings or confusion about money or responsibilities, so be clear about your expectations and available resources. People may be in a forgiving mood as the sun meets Neptune on March 15, and Mercury meets Neptune on March 16, perhaps bringing an inspiring message your way.

March 16 also finds the sun squaring off with Mars and Venus squaring off with Pluto; people may feel impatient, and difficult emotions like jealousy or greed could pop up. People could be impulsive and control issues might arise. If you feel like someone is being controlling about your time or availability, it’s time to set a boundary. Fortunately, March 16 also marks Venus’s entry into Taurus, which can inspire a more easygoing energy, and bode well for your career and popularity! Reward and recognition may come your way.

March 17 finds Mercury squaring off with Mars, the sun meeting Mercury, and Venus connecting with Saturn. Mercury’s clash with Mars puts people in a short-tempered mood, so watch out for bickering. That said, communications move along quickly, and the sun’s meeting with Mercury marks an important discussion or realization, perhaps concerning money. Venus’s connection with taskmaster Saturn isn’t the coziest one, but it is productive for discussing commitments and could find you in the midst of a solid collaboration. 

Mercury mingles with Pluto on March 18, inspiring a productive atmosphere at work, and it’s also a powerful time to break out of an old routine or habit. A transformative discussion can take place. Mercury enters Aries on March 19, which may bring news from afar or find you planning an important trip. You might be writing work you want to publish or your focus may be on school; this could be a productive moment for your educational goals! Mercury is the planet of the mind, and when it’s in Aries, you can feel especially witty, eager to learn, and eager to share ideas. 

The sun connects with Pluto on March 20, which can find you discovering a clever solution to a problem. This may also be a powerful time to break an old habit. Aries season begins on March 20, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules adventure and expansion, and the new moon in Aries takes place on March 21, finding you embarking on a new journey! You may be traveling or diving into a new topic of study. You could be focused on publishing new work. New perspectives are shared. Aries is a fire sign like you, Leo, and as such, it symbolizes courage, passion, warmth and optimism: This new moon puts you in a sunny mood and new opportunities may arrive!  

One of the highlights of the month is Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23: Major revolutions can take place about how you approach relationships! Deep and intense partnerships could form. Pluto is the planet of power and control, and in Aquarius, big egos in your partnerships may be challenged. You might be connecting with influential people, your partners may be taking on important responsibilities, and letting go of past relationships could be a theme while Pluto moves through Aquarius.  

Mars enters Cancer on March 25, which can find you feeling restless: Make time to relax away from work, journal, and meditate. Mars in Cancer may also find you feeling ready to end projects that no longer capture your interest. Mercury meets Jupiter on March 28, inspiring an especially jovial, open-minded atmosphere that’s fantastic for sharing ideas and exploring the world. Mars connects with Saturn on March 30, inspiring productivity and helping you cut ties with something that no longer makes sense for you. Also on March 30, Venus meets Uranus, perhaps bringing you some unexpected attention, success, or reward! This is an exciting moment for experimentation, and the mood is light and bubbly. 

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in April!