
Monthly Horoscope: Leo, September 2020

Virgo and Libra

Welcome to Virgo season, Leo! The sun is illuminating the sector of your chart that rules cash, comfort, and material security: Virgo season is the time to focus on your budget and  investments and ask for a raise. You give so much, Leo, and you should receive just as much in return! A powerful moment in your career arrives on September 1 when Mercury in Virgo connects with Pluto in Capricorn, making for a potently productive day and bringing you access to hard-to-get resources.

While much of your focus early this month is on growing wealth, the full moon in Pisces on September 2 reminds you to pay your debts. This is a powerful full moon for releasing the past, getting closure, and offering and accepting apologies. You’re also sorting through which opportunities to say “yes” or “no” to during this full moon, which can be tricky for generous Leos. While you hate having to say “no” when someone makes a request, Venus in Cancer will oppose Saturn in Capricorn during this full moon, insisting you have very firm boundaries about what you do and don’t take on. After all, you can’t help everyone who comes your way, even if you wish you could, because you also need time to rest and do your own work. 

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Though you may have to say “no” to some requests, that doesn’t mean you will be lacking in opportunities during this full moon: The sun makes a harmonious connection with wildcard Uranus in Taurus on September 2, bringing you unexpected financial or career shifts. Set limits on how much you schedule for yourself on this day because an exciting opportunity may arrive—you’ll know it when you see it! Solid commitments are also put on paper as Mercury mingles with Saturn on September 3: An exciting contract may be signed, or a letter stating some information you’ve been needing may arrive!

Venus clashes with Mars in fellow fire sign Aries and mingles with Mercury on September 4, inspiring a playfully competitive atmosphere. Mercury enters air sign Libra on September 5, boding well for clear communication. You may be reconnecting with neighbors and siblings during this time, especially when love and money planet Venus enters your sign on September 6, making for a marvelous moment to connect! Peacefully energy flows and you’re feeling charismatic, popular, and sexy! Astrologers say that Leos love to look in mirrors, and this is likely to be true when Venus is in Leo. Venus in your sign doubles your already intoxicating seductive powers and is fantastic for meeting new people and enchanting your established relationships. Venus is all about magnetism—your powers of attraction are strong right now!

The sun makes a harmonious connection with Jupiter in Capricorn on September 9, which again bodes well for your career or job prospects and boosts your worth. But September 9 is also the beginning of Mars retrograde in Aries, so you may notice an uptick in impatience, aggression, and frustration. This Mars retrograde finds you rethinking your approach to themes that have been strongly impacted by COVID-19: travel and schooling. Retrogrades can be frustrating because they bring delays, but the energy can be used to rework things. As annoying as it might be, by the time this retrograde ends on November 13, you will have a better idea of how to move forward around education and travel. 

Confusion around finances takes place as the sun opposes Neptune on September 11: Avoid making important decisions or purchases on this day and, instead, just rest! More job opportunities come your way as Jupiter ends its retrograde on September 12; meanwhile, this is also a great time to think about what new, healthy habits—like meditation or a daily walk—you want to add to your schedule. You’re ready to take more on, whether it’s at work or in your daily routines. The sun and Pluto connect on September 14, helping you stay productive and kick a bad habit. Venus clashes with Uranus on September 15, bringing some exciting career possibilities and perhaps even unexpectedly thrusting you into the spotlight! But that’s OK—as a Leo, you’re always prepared for attention! 

A fresh start, particularly in your finances, arrives with the new moon in Virgo on September 17. During this new moon, Mercury clashes with Jupiter, and while you will need to be mindful of overly optimistic plans and exaggerations, Mercury and Jupiter’s influence on this new moon inspires an open-minded, free-spirited energy, and the sun’s helpful connection with Saturn creates a supportive atmosphere for making your career dreams come true! In your relationships, this is all about asking for what you need—for a fun fling to turn into something more serious, you need to know you can depend on them to call you when they say they will. During this new moon, you’re reconnecting with your relationship boundaries and establishing your expectations with your partners.

Mercury clashes with Pluto on September 21, kicking up some frustration around communication and making plans—watch out for manipulation and power struggles. Libra season begins on September 22, asking everyone to play fair, especially when it comes to communication. You’re also likely to be tackling quite a bit of paperwork at this time. The next day, Mercury clashes with Saturn on September 23, finding you having important conversations about commitments and schedules. You may have to say “no” to some invitations or make changes to already committed dates. Again, getting clear this month on what’s worth your time is a major theme. 

Watch out for arguments and impatience as Mercury opposes Mars on September 24. A shift in communicative energy takes place as Mercury enters Scorpio on September 27: The messenger planet will light up a very private sector of your chart, finding you discussing the past and reconnecting with people. Themes concerning home and family also come up for discussion, and you may be moving, renovating, changing your personal space in some way, or handling paperwork concerning your living situation. 

Venus and Mars connect on September 28, creating a harmonious atmosphere—you’re feeling deeply connected with your inner voice and are having inspiring conversations. Saturn retrograde ends and Mars retrograde clashes with Saturn on September 29, finding you confronting obstacles around productivity. Quick fixes aren’t the solution! You need to look at long-term strategies, especially as new opportunities come in. Think back to August 24: Similar themes are coming up, and lessons you learned then may be applicable now.

Good luck this month, Leo, and see you in October!