
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, May 2022

Taurus and Gemini

The sun is in Taurus, and like you, Taurus is ruled by love and money planet Venus!

These themes may be quite intense early this month: In your love life, intimacy can deepen, and in your finances, you may be managing complex issues like debts, taxes, or resources you share with partners (in love or business). May opens with Venus in Pisces, finding you reorganizing your beauty cabinet, updating your wardrobe, and beautifying you workspaces, and on Venus mingles with power planet Pluto in Capricorn on May 1, finding you making significant changes and upgrades at home. Venus enters your opposite sign Aries on May 2, which bodes well for your relationships! Your partners could be feeling especially affectionate, and if you’re looking for love, you might connect with someone quite charming! Even outside of your love life, Venus in Aries creates a fun vibe for connecting with others.

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On May 3 Jupiter in Pisces connects with Pluto, inspiring a fantastic atmosphere for switching up your routine, ending old habits and starting new ones, and reorganizing your schedule. The energy is expansive and productive, and Mars in Pisces makes a helpful connection with electric Uranus in Taurus on May 4, creating an exciting atmosphere of innovation and progress! An awkward situation may be adjusted. There’s a fearlessness in the air, and as the sun meets Uranus on May 5, liberation and experimentation are big themes. You could find yourself unexpectedly relieved of something you’ve been worried about, or maybe you’ll find a way to forgive yourself or others, and let go of the past. 

Communication planet Mercury is in fellow air sign Gemini at the start of the month, bringing you messages from abroad, and finding you discussing education or travel plans, or focused on publishing something! The mood is especially fun and friendly on May 6 as Mercury connects with your ruling planet Venus. The sun connects with Mars on May 7, inspiring confidence: This could give you the muscle you need to take care of something that’s been weighing you down. The sun and Mars are all about willpower and vitality, so carve out time to do the things that make you feel energized!

May 10 marks the start of Mercury retrograde in Gemini, which could find you reconnecting with a penpal, reworking travel plans, re-editing school projects or work you plan on publishing, and revisiting ideas and conversations that deserve a second look. Astrologers typically advise against traveling, staring new projects, signing contracts, or making important purchases during Mercury retrograde, as it’s famous for delays and miscommunications, but it can also be a wonderful time to reconnect with the past and revisit plans that had to be set aside. You may finally go someplace you’ve been longing to travel to, have a conversation you’ve been waiting for, or dive into a topic of study that you didn’t have time to pursue until now.

Also on May 10, Jupiter enters Aries, finding the planet of luck and opportunity activating the relationship sector of your chart! The bond in your partnerships can deepen over the next few months, and you may find yourself making exciting new introductions. Many people are entering your life soon, and socializing typically comes naturally to Libras, but even you might find yourself overwhelmed by your social schedule—so don’t say yes to every invitation that comes your way!

The mood might be gloomy as the sun squares off with Saturn in Aquarius on May 15, but important adjustments can take place. It’s a powerful time to set boundaries or to focus on work. Helping ease the heavy atmosphere on this day is the sun’s connection with dreamy Neptune in Pisces: This can keep your schedule moving along or inspire you to go with the flow despite any obstacles.

The lunar eclipse in Scorpio takes place on May 16, marking a significant turning point in your relationship to money and security. You may be selling something important at this time, raising your rate, or simply learning more about budgeting, investing, or your own psychology when it comes to money or material comfort. Intense emotions concerning these themes may arise, but an important change can also take place, and new information could come to light. 

Mars and Neptune meet on May 18: Because Neptune is the planet of fantasy and delusion, this could go many ways…be mindful of exaggerations, paranoias, or laziness, but it could potentially be a phenomenal moment to take a break, resign from a project, or just go with the flow!

May 19 finds the sun connecting with Pluto, inspiring a transformative atmosphere: It’s a powerful moment for releasing the past and making peace with the present, for forgiveness and letting go of grudges. Also on this day, Mercury retrograde connects with Jupiter, inspiring optimism; just watch out for exaggerations or promises that are too big to keep. Gemini season begins on May 20, finding you inspired to plan your next trip or eager to publish your ideas, and the sun meets Mercury retrograde on May 21, bringing a new perspective that deepens your understanding of the world.

On May 22 Mars connects with Pluto, finding you kicking an old habit or releasing the past in some significant way. Also on this day, Mercury retrograde reenters Taurus, and you may be revisiting conversations about money, bills, or resources you share with partners, reimagining how to best manage these responsibilities. This is a powerful time during Mercury retrograde to tie up loose ends. The sun and Jupiter connect on May 23, inspiring a fun, playful atmosphere and the mood is optimistic and humorous! Also on this day, Mercury retrograde connects with action planet Mars, finding us all feeling eager to push forward—but Mercury retrograde calls us to slow down and reflect. You could revisit an issue that needs solving, and an interesting solution you previously hadn’t considered may be revealed.

Your ruling planet Venus mingles with the planet of responsibility, Saturn, on May 24, finding you and your partners having meaningful conversations about plans and commitments, and your partners may feel especially empowered as Mars enters Aries also on May 24. Whether or not you’re partnered up, Mars in Aries can find you connecting with people who are energizing, strong, and decisive! Mercury retrograde connects with Pluto on May 25, and you might be thinking back to April 28 as conversations that took place then become relevant again. You may be reorganizing things at home, at your day job, or in your daily routine. An intriguing piece of information might be uncovered. 

Venus squares off with Pluto on May 27, bringing a tense atmosphere in your partnerships…or a very passionate one! Issues like jealousy or greed may surface, and this could be an important time to set boundaries or call in the help of an unbiased third party to help mediate. You may be reflecting deeply on your home and family life and how it intersects with your relationships. You’re ready to take something to the next level with someone, or maybe realizing things are getting too close for comfort. A turning point has arrived. A powerfully passionate exchange may take place.

The energy shifts as Venus enters Taurus on May 28: You and your partners in love or business have important conversations about money or how you manage and share resources. A lovely gift may come your way, but you could feel sensitive about whether there are strings attached, so it can be helpful to make expectations very clear. Venus loves being in sensual Taurus, so while its clash with Pluto may be turbulent, Venus in Taurus encourages you to focus on pleasure and engaging your senses.

Mars meets Jupiter on May 29, finding you connecting with someone especially thrilling or bringing a new cycle in your established relationships. Astrologers often call Libras indecisive, but you feel quite clear about what you want at this time! Forward momentum is building and Mercury retrograde ends on June 3—a new adventure can begin with the new moon in Gemini on May 30. You may be traveling abroad or visiting someplace exciting. This is an exciting new moon for your studies and you might be researching an inspiring new topic. You could be starting a publishing project or sharing thought provoking ideas with the world!

Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in June!