
Monthly Horoscope: Libra, September 2020

Virgo and Libra

Welcome to Virgo season, Libra! Your birthday is nearly here, but first, the sun is activating a sleepy, private sector of your chart, encouraging you to catch up on rest. You may be inspired to go on a secret getaway—like a night in the woods with someone special, so you can share secrets, or alone, so you can explore your shadow self and your subconscious mind—especially as Mercury in Virgo mingles with Pluto in Capricorn on September 1.

Hidden things are a big theme early this month, but you won’t feel like you’re in the dark: The full moon in Pisces lands on September 2—along with Venus in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn and the sun connecting with Uranus in Taurus—which illuminates how things are operating in your life and expands your understanding of your habits and tendencies. On a mundane level, an important project or job of some kind may be finished at this time, or news about a gig may be delivered to you. Health and wellness are also on your mind, and this is a powerful time to kick a bad habit. Your ruling planet Venus’s confrontation with Saturn finds you navigating themes concerning rejection or feeling like you’re not enough, especially at home and in your career. Now isn’t the time to ask for favors, but this is certainly a good moment to get real about your standards and needs and reconsider the terms in your commitments and agreements. You may be suddenly freed, forgiven, or released from something that’s been weighing you down as the sun mingles with Uranus. This is a revealing full moon, one with heavy emotions, but also one with brilliant opportunities to cut loose from constricting situations.

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Helping you discuss commitments is Mercury’s connection with Saturn on September 3, and plenty of flirtation and friendly competition arrives with Venus’s clash with a soon-to-be retrograde Mars in Aries and Venus’s connection with Mercury on September 4. The energy is social and maybe a bit gossipy, but it’s also exciting for romance, and you’re feeling thrilled about future possibilities!

Mercury enters your sign on September 5, finding you coming out of the shell of shyness you’ve been in while Mercury traveled introspective Virgo, and helping you express yourself clearly and confidently. You might find yourself feeling indecisive as you deliberate your options, but you’re not feeling confused, and you’re enjoying the boost in connection and compromise with others. Your ruling planet Venus enters fire sign Leo on September 6, which bodes especially well for your social life. You’re feeling popular and reconnecting with your lovers on an intellectual level. Your sense of inner peace and connection to spirit expands as the sun mingles with Jupiter in Capricorn on September 9, but be mindful that Mars retrograde in Aries begins on this day, finding us all in an impatient mood. Hopefully, your deep sense of inner calm will help balance the fussy energy that’s flowing! Frustration in your relationships may come up as your partners feel unable to get what they want accomplished, and some “sore loser” behavior may take place.

Catch up on rest as the sun opposes hazy Neptune on September 11: Confusion concerning your schedule and plans pops up on this day, and having a tired mind won’t help things! Jupiter retrograde ends on September 12, activating the sector of your chart that rules your home and family, asking you to reflect on how your personal life has grown over the last year and where you see yourself living—and with whom—in the future! You’re feeling empowered to make big personal changes as the sun connects with Pluto on September 14, finding you confidently releasing yourself from old emotional patterns that no longer make any sense for you. Venus clashes with wildcard Uranus on September 15, bringing a surprise your way; however, differences within your social circle may become apparent, and you may feel itchy to break out of a group that doesn’t align with your ideals or values. 

The new moon in Virgo arrives on September 17, calling for deep reflection, rest, and inner work. A new cycle is beginning in connecting with your inner voice and intuitive abilities. The Virgo card in the tarot is the Hermit: You must go on an inner journey to find your truth, since your truth isn’t one you can find in a book, horoscope, or relationship. It’s in you alone, and facing your demons, fears, and secrets is a necessary step to returning to the truth of who you are. During this new moon, Mercury clashes with Jupiter—be wise about what you say and what you believe, as there is a lot of exaggeration taking place! That said, the sun connects with Saturn on this new moon, which bodes very well for supportive energy at home.

Secrets are spilled as Mercury squares off with Pluto on September 21: Mercury is the planet of information, and Pluto is the planet of hidden things. Their clash finds you knee-deep in an investigation of your past and private life. Like the new moon in Virgo, you’re on a search for who you are and how you got where you are today. The inner workings of a dynamic between yourself and the people you’re closest to are being explored. 

You’re stepping out of your cocoon of privacy as Libra season begins on September 22, reinvigorating you with energy and confidence! But bad news may have to be delivered on September 23 as Mercury clashes with Saturn—this is an important time to set boundaries, especially considering that Mercury opposes Mars retrograde on September 24, making for an argumentative, impulsive, and impatient atmosphere.

But the energy around communication shifts as Mercury enters incisive water sign Scorpio on September 27, bringing you news about finances and helping you get information and perspective on the many choices you’ve been considering while Mercury was in your sign. Mercury in Scorpio will help you decide what’s important to you. Relationships are often what you hinge many of your choices on, but while Mars is retrograde, you’re wondering if your partners don’t care, don’t feel invested, don’t have the energy, or simply want to step back from being part of your consideration. What does that mean for you?

Venus connects with Mars retrograde on September 28, inspiring a helpful energy around communication as your partners retreat from their plans to reconsider their goals and gain new perspectives. September 29 finds Mars clashing with Saturn, which also happens to end its retrograde, finding you reconsidering how you will approach obstacles concerning home, family, your partnerships, and personal life. Themes from around August 24 are coming to mind, and you’re seeing things from a new perspective. New structures are being built in your home, family, and personal life, and it’s important now to plan for the long haul. 

Good luck this month, Libra, and see you in October!