
Prins Thomas Knows What’s Cooking

For the last few weeks I’ve had, nestled amongst the invoices and the promo CDs and the old tissues and the banana skins and the phone chargers, a tin on my desk. It’s quite a big tin. A tin big enough to garner funny looks when people walk past my desk and notice a big tin on it. It’s the talk of the town, this big tin, it really is. Visitors to THUMP towers stop to ask me, “Josh, mate, what on earth is that tin on your desk all about?” And I arch back in my chair, kick my legs up onto the desk, flick a pen in the air, catch it behind my ear and say, “Well, funny you ask that actually. That tin, which is quite a big tin, is actually a receptacle for the new mix by Prins Thomas, Paradise Goulash. Yes, that Paradise Goulash mix, the three CD set that takes the listener on the most exciting trip to the cosmos they’ve been on since Thomas wowed the world with Cosmo Galactic Prism back in 2007.” They smile. They nod. They try and steal my tin.

So far, no one’s got their hands on it. The tin remains in my possession. I take it home at nights and keep it securely in a Simpsons branded mini fridge, and then wrap it in bubblewrap for the journey into work on the overground and then I place it on my desk again. Here it is, in all its glory.

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What a tin it is. And what musical treats it contains within! Three discs — crammed onto one USB in this instance — worth of mindbending oddities and eclectic obscurities, the kind of stash of super rare, super weird records that fills you with both joy (these records are incredible!) envy (I wish I’d found them!) and sadness (I’ll never find really cool old strange balearo-scando-disco stuff like this on my own!) before zipping back round to joy again.

You can buy the CD set — and if you’re quick enough, one of the very, very limited edition tins — from all good retailers now, but if you need a little taster — geddit!? — before you get some cash out of an ATM, why not listen to this gorgeously compact super mini mix that Prins has put together?

That was good, wasn’t it? Now read on to see what went down when we asked Prins Thomas to take us on a musical tour of his kitchen. Or something like that. We basically asked him to list a few records that he could somehow relate to various questions about food. Because the album’s called Paradise Goulash and he’s wearing a chef’s outfit on the front. Makes sense right? Yeah? Good.

THUMP: What’s the ultimate album to cook a romantic dinner to?
Prins Thomas:
Miles Davis – Some Day My Prince Will Come

You’ve got a day off. You’re about to tuck into a massive breakfast. What tune are you putting on to ease yourself into a day of total relaxtion?
Lee Perry – “Roast Fish, Collie Weed and Corn Bread”

You’re sat on the terrace of a gorgeous restaurant overlooking the mediterranean sea, surrounded by your nearest and dearest. What record are you reaching for?
Phil Mison would be the best person to soundtrack that. Ask him!

You’ve just smashed the club. You’re now wandering round the streets of Berlin with the squad, kebab in one hand, bottle of Fritz cola in the other. What’re you all singing?
Iggy Pop – “Street Crazies”

For a crime we’re not going into, you’ve been sentenced to death. What, if it’s not too morbid to ask, would you listen to while eating your last meal?
The Beach Boys – ‘Till I Die

Paradise Goulash is out right now on Eskimo records.

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