
How This Week’s Solar Eclipse and Multiple Retrogrades Will Affect Your Sign

Even the word “retrograde” sounds freaky and onerous, but the simple truth is that planets are just like you and me: They need time to pause, slow down, and rest—and that’s what they do during a retrograde. Retrogrades are not a rare phenomenon, despite all the scary things you might have heard about the planetary transits this month. In fact, what’s so frustrating about retrogrades is that they happen again and again, bringing up the same old shit every time.

What really makes this summer’s retrogrades feel intense is that they’re compounded by the arrival of eclipse season. Retrogrades find us looking to the past, but the eclipses beg us to accept change and not get stuck—it’s a lot to handle! You might find yourself in a totally new situation, place, or community, yet asking yourself: If everything’s so different, why am I still thinking about that thing from my past? It might feel weird, but it’s all part of the process of this heavy summer of retrogrades and eclipses.

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Retrogrades show us things we’ve already seen, but in a new light. Eclipses show us things we couldn’t see, and in a dramatic way. Think of eclipses as doorways to destiny, book ends of life chapters, and critical course-correcting occurrences! Lots of information will be revealed during this summer.

On July 12, there is a solar eclipse in Cancer—and Mars, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto will be retrograde. Among these planets, Mars has the rarest retrograde, which occurs every two years for about two months and puts us in an aggressive mood yet finds us lacking the energy or ability to plow forward. Saturn’s retrograde will help us restructure, drilling in lessons about having discipline and boundaries. Neptune’s retrograde has us considering our fantasies and delusions, and Pluto’s provides insight into issues concerning power, control, and even obsession. A Cancer eclipse reveals what we must let go of in order to protect and nurture ourselves… but those crab claws have strong pincers, and we all know Cancer is nostalgic as fuck! Remember that letting go of the past does not mean forgetting it.

During July 27’s lunar eclipse in Aquarius, those four planets will be retrograde plus Mercury. Aquarius is the sign of the future, meaning it’s all about innovation…yet Mercury retrograde wants us to look back. Expect to bump into people from your past. Messages you previously didn’t understand or deal with will also resurface.

August 11’s solar eclipse in Leo also finds Uranus retrograde—again, this is a frequent retrograde that happens yearly for about five months— encouraging us to reexamine what freedom means to us. Since Uranus is the planet of unpredictability, we’ll also be facing many surprises! And with the eclipse being in dramatic fire sign Leo, you can bet huge revelations will be made…but on a deeper level, Leo is the sign that rules the heart, and this eclipse will show you—no matter how shocking—what your heart needs.

This summer, retrogrades are asking us to look to our pasts while eclipses lead us toward our future. Perhaps the best thing for you to do is stay present. Read your horoscope below to find out more:



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will have you re-examining many things in your life, Cancer. You’ll be re-strategizing debt management, budgets, and spending, and you’ll also be restructuring your relationships and friendships. Take this time to reflect on any long-held delusions you’ve regarded as the truth, and re-consider the power dynamics of your relationships.

The future you’re looking toward: The solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 will have you discovering things about yourself, shedding old skin, and feeling like a new person—but you’ll also feel emotional and totally exhausted. July 27’s eclipse in Aquarius will bring your focus to any intimacy issues in your life—and you’ll also be paying off debts, which segues right into the August 11 eclipse, which highlights money and self-worth. Talking about money or asking for things you need can be uncomfortable, but you’ve seen how much drama can go down when you don’t!

My advice to you: Resisting change won’t make things any easier—embrace it instead.



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will have you re-considering your approach to relationships—especially in the context of responsibility and power dynamics. You’ll also be thinking about how you express yourself and the ways you’ve rebelled when it comes to your career and reputation. You’re reflecting on your fantasies concerning intimacy.

The future you’re looking toward: July 12’s solar eclipse in Cancer is all about trusting your intuition—make sure to give yourself space to find and listen to your inner voice. You’re going to be very exhausted and restless during this eclipse, perhaps even working through a spell of bad dreams. You’re processing so much right now! Be patient, gentle, and nurturing to yourself. The eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 will bring big reveals around how other people feel and encourage you to let go of old relationship patterns. Partnerships may end at this time, but new ones are on the way. The August 11 eclipse in Leo will set you on a journey of self-discovery where you’ll learn to embrace the new you and stop clinging to the past.

My advice to you: Do whatever you need to get some rest!



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will reconnect you with your inner voice and ask you to consider the ways you’ve disconnected from it in the past. You’ll also be re-examining what “fun” means to you and reflecting on how you’ve rebelled against organized religion or higher education in the past. This season will also force you to confront any delusions you may hold when it comes to relationships.

The future you’re looking toward: July 12’s eclipse in Cancer is a bit of a rollercoaster, bringing you new friendships, excitement around causes you believe in, and drama to your social life. The July 27 eclipse in Aquarius will shake up your schedule and routine—you might find yourself feeling exhausted and overworked, but it’s a great time to kick a bad habit and commit to taking care of yourself. The solar eclipse in Leo on August 11 asks you to carve out time and make space for yourself for psychic development—you’ll learn many secrets about the world you live in and the people around you.

My advice to you: Stillness doesn’t mean you aren’t moving forward.



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will have you re-strategizing your creative process and approach to dating, Libra. You’ll be reflecting on your past friendships, restructuring your home life and boundaries, and thinking about your unique understanding of intimacy.

The future you’re looking toward: The July 12 eclipse in Cancer will bring new career opportunities your way, as well as insight into your reputation. So much hard work leaves you exhausted, but trust that you are growing stronger as a result. July 27’s eclipse in Aquarius will bring romance and a whirlwind of fun—but that also comes with some drama in your friendships! This eclipse marks the end of an era for you, but amazing opportunities to network will also surface. You’re feeling emotional about “fitting in” during this eclipse season. The August 11 eclipse in Leo will inspire you to open your heart—you should connect with new friends and lend vocal support to causes you believe in. Secrets will also be revealed about communities you’re part of.

My advice to you: Don’t worry about being cool; do whatever you want and enjoy yourself!


The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will be intense for you, Scorpio—but when aren’t you about intensity? You’re re-strategizing your approach to privacy, safety, and communication—especially when it comes to communicating with the public as well as your bosses and higher-ups. Old secrets are resurfacing for your reflection, and you’ll be thinking about the fact that you’ve never conformed to society’s expectations when it comes to relationships. You’re also reflecting on your fantasies (and past delusions) concerning your love life and creative process.

The future you’re looking toward: The July 12 eclipse in Cancer will bring new opportunities to learn and travel, as well as surprising news from faraway places. July 27’s eclipse in Aquarius will have you focused on home and family, and secrets from your early childhood will come to light. This eclipse is particularly emotional, as you will be cleaning out many old wounds. August 11’s eclipse in Leo highlights your career and reputation, and you’ll be learning what it takes to get ahead. You’re a private person, which sometimes clashes with your desire for success and recognition—finding a balance between these two needs will be a crucial step during this eclipse.

My advice to you: There’s a lot of information coming to the surface—though you are usually the one doing a lot of the digging, Scorpio—but now is the time to simply you can finally sit back and see that the truth is being presented to you.



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will find you re-considering your old beliefs and the ways you’ve been an innovator to create your own work schedule. You’re reflecting on your relationship to money and power and re-structuring your budget. You’ll also be reflecting on the mysteries of your early childhood and tapping into the wealth of imagination you’ve been blessed with.

The future you’re looking toward: July 12’s eclipse in Cancer highlights your intimate relationships—you’ll be diving to new depths with your partner and deep emotions swell. Secrets will be revealed, but this is also a powerful time for change and letting go of the past. Saying goodbye is always hard and during eclipses, it’s even more heart-breaking—but still necessary. Clinging to the past is a surefire way to have a shitty eclipse season. The July 27 eclipse in Aquarius will reveal necessary information to you and inspire you to break old patterns around communication. On August 11, the eclipse in Leo will bring adventure and force you to confront your fears of the unknown. It’s time to let go of the tightly-held beliefs that simply don’t work in your new life anymore.

My advice to you: Take kind, helpful actions.



The past you’re processing: This season’s retrogrades are putting your mind in overdrive, Capricorn! You’re not only re-strategizing your budget and investments, but you’re also reflecting on your sense of discipline and maturity. You’ll be thinking about the ways you’ve let go of relationships in the past and reflecting on the ways you’ve rebelled when it comes to dating. Communication is a big theme for you this summer, too, as you consider the ways you’ve been manipulative with your words or delusional about the messages you’re sending.

The future you’re looking toward: The July 12 eclipse in Cancer reveals secrets in your current relationships and brings new relationships your way. Old patterns around relating to others are being broken, which might feel uncomfortable as you try to flirt with your new crush or connect with coworkers in a new way. On July 27, the eclipse in Aquarius shifts your focus to money and self-worth. August 11’s solar eclipse in Leo finds you mourning and letting go of the past—but secrets will be shared between you and your intimate partners, and new, deep connections will be forged. This is a magical eclipse to engage in your spiritual practice, Capricorn!

My advice to you: Boundaries are your best friend.



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will ask you to consider the ways you take action—what does “conquering” mean to you, and have you been a bully in the past? You’ll also be considering the ways you communicate in relationships and the ways you’ve rebelled at home or against your family. Get some rest and quality time to reflect on these themes, and confront any delusions you may have when it comes to money.

The future you’re looking toward: The July 12 eclipse in Cancer will bring a new day job or line of work, and you’ll be seeing your day-to-day life in a new light. A wake-up call to take better care of your health may also arrive. On July 27, the eclipse in Aquarius will feel like meeting the “new you,” as you discover secrets about yourself and approach a shift in your relationships. (Just watch out for exhaustion!) August 11’s eclipse in Leo brings more shifts in your relationships and signals that new ones are on the way—you’ll be connecting with people on a deep level.

My advice to you: Until you can upload your consciousness to a computer, breathing deeply and fully is your best bet for staying calm.



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will have you reflecting on the ways you’ve shot yourself in the foot in the past and how you’ve limited your own social life. You’ll also be thinking about the ways others have hurt you in the past, and confronting any delusions you’ve had about yourself. You’re rethinking your schedule and brainstorming ways to get organized at work, as well as reflecting on what you’re able to accomplish with the power of a supportive community.

The future you’re looking toward: July 12’s eclipse in Cancer will bring drama to your love life and creative process—but new inspiration is on the way, as well as new opportunities to have fun and enjoy romance! The July 27 eclipse in Aquarius means you’ll need more rest to build a stronger sense of psychic protection and strengthen your aura. Secrets will be exposed and repressed emotions come to light. You might find yourself crying for seemingly no reason—trust your body’s ability to know how to release the past. Don’t overbook yourself during this eclipse because you’ll be especially tired. August 11’s eclipse in Leo brings shifts at work—like new responsibilities—and cause you to see your day-to-day life in a new light.

My advice to you: Now isn’t the time for multitasking—you need focus and patience!



The past you’re processing: Repressed memories are coming in and clearing out this summer, Aries. Past crushes, one-night-stands, and party friends will also return to give you some much-needed information. You’ll be reflecting on the goals you’ve accomplished and reconnecting with your sense of purpose—especially when it comes to creating change in your community.

The future you’re looking toward: This eclipse season is all about growing stronger roots. You’re not exactly a domestic person, but the solar eclipse in Cancer on July 12 will have you building a happier home and fostering a deeper sense of security—you’re ready to break negative patterns that have been carried through your family line. The lunar eclipse in Aquarius on July 27 will bring big reveals in your social life—and the August 11 eclipse in Leo will as well, though that one shines more of a light on your love life. You’re finding yourself fitting in with a new crowd and inspired to create art, and gathering momentum around social causes you’re passionate about.

My advice to you: Belongings won’t make you happy… but the feeling of belonging will! Find your community, reach out to friends, and be open to making new ones.

Taurus sign


The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will find you reflecting on your friendships, reconnecting with family, and processing memories from early childhood. You’ll also be thinking about your beliefs and adventures from the past, and re-considering your understanding of success. Something that once seemed so awe-inspiring may have a different meaning to you now.

The future you’re looking toward: The July 12 eclipse in Cancer will have you focused on communication; you’ll be developing your listening skills, learning to trust your intuition, and feeling confident about speaking your truth. The July 27 eclipse will impact your career goals and reputation. You’ll be seen as an innovator; an invaluable part of your industry’s future—but only if you’re able to work through the shake-ups and challenges this eclipse will also bring. August 11’s eclipse will have you focused on creating a home in both the tangible and emotional sense—it’s all about feeling safe and protected.

My advice to you: You can’t change others, but you can change yourself—ask yourself: Who do I want to be?



The past you’re processing: This summer’s retrogrades will have you reflecting on past debts and intimate relationships, Gemini. You’ll be considering your former career goals and any delusions you may harbor about fame. Old news will also resurface for you to examine with a new perspective.

The future you’re looking toward: July 12’s eclipse in Cancer will have you focused on money and self-worth, as some shake-ups may rock your sense of security. July 27’s eclipse in Aquarius will find you embarking on new territory. This eclipse shines a light on the sector of your chart that rules travel and higher learning, so you’ll be taking in new ideas, dabbling with new languages, and seeing new places! The August 11 eclipse in Leo will bring huge reveals to your life, as information you previously couldn’t access comes your way. Fortunately, you have amazing communication skills—put them to good use by speaking your truth!

My advice to you: Don’t just say what you think… share how you feel.

What’s in the stars for you in July? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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