The ‘Affluenza Teen’ Is Now Back in Texas

Read: We Asked a Private Investigator How to Catch the ‘Affluenza Teen’

Ethan Couch—the now 18-year-old drunk driver who killed four people in 2013 and whose lawyer suggested he was too spoiled to learn right from wrong—is back in the US after taking flight to Mexico, as ABC News reports.

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Couch was only slapped with probation following the drunk driving incident. But video of him apparently playing beer pong at a party surfaced last December, which authorities say led Couch—with an assist from his mother—to flee in hopes of avoiding possible prison time for violating the terms of his probation.

Unfortunately for Couch and his mommy, Mexican police caught up to them in Puerto Vallarta at the tail end of 2015.

Couch has spent the last month behind bars in Mexico, and was put on a commercial flight Thursday morning to Dallas, Texas—”where he will be received by United States authorities since he is facing various charges there,” according to Mexican officials. His mother had already been deported.

According to NBC, the notorious teen was in US custody by about noon.