
Watch This Guy Perfectly Recreate ‘Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’ Victory Animations

A man poses like the video game character Bayonetta

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is still more than a month away from release, but I already know two things to be true. One, Luigi is dead. Two, Martin Cochingo—a parkour coach at FlyFree Movement in Alberta, Canada and self-described “b-boy/tricker”—can contort his body into all the game’s best victory animations.

When a character destroys their enemies in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, they do a little dance to show their joy and rub it in the defeated opponent’s face. These being video game characters, most of the contortions are nigh-impossible to replicate on the normal human body. That didn’t stop Cochingo from doing it—spinning through the air like Sheik, slinking along the floor like Bayonetta, and planking like the soulless corpse of Luigi.

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“Our team here has been recreating video game moves as just a fun way to practice our stunts for our potential future careers as [motion capture] and stunt actors,” Chochingo told Motherboard in an email.

You can check out all of Chochingo’s work on Instagram, where he’s also recreated some scenes from famous movies and performed other acts of superhuman agility. He’s also got a short video of Smash-related bloopers on his YouTube page. Apparently replicating the cold and lifeless body of Luigi is the hardest.

“As for the hardest move, I would honestly have to say it is Luigi’s,” Chochingo wrote. “It is terrifying going from a stand up position straight into the ground. I smashed my face and my man-sack on one take and I decided that was it.”

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is out on December 7.

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