
Weekly Horoscope: December 28 – January 3


People are projecting their own values and desires onto certain relationships and romantic situations as Venus, the planet of love, clashes with Neptune, the planet of fantasies, on Wednesday, December 30 at 5:18 AM. This is good for art and creativity, but things aren’t so grounded or realistic right now. We’re being idealistic about love and making decisions based on those ideals. It’s whimsical, but is it wise?

All cards are on the table. There is a full moon in Cancer on Tuesday, December 29 at 10:28 PM. Things are revealed during a full moon, and this one is in its home sign, making it extra comfortable and nourishing. Everything is within reach. Issues of parenting, care-taking, and feeling sheltered are coming to a head.

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Philosophical questions are asked as Mercury, the planet of communication, gently connects with dreamy Neptune at 6:18 AM on Friday, January 1. This makes it easy to drum up new ideas or to erase old things that you need to unlearn. Conversations are expansive and enlightening. It’s a good time to watch a movie or read a book.

All times ET.



Venus in fellow fire sign Sagittarius puts you in the mood to learn more about your desires, and to expand what you like as well. You’re not above trying anything for the first time, Aries. You are compelled to pursue your dream romance as Venus clashes with Neptune, finding you relying on your intuition very heavily. Things aren’t necessarily making sense right now, but it’s nice to dream! The full moon in your house of home and family brings domestic matters to a head. You’re learning about how to balance your work and private life, which is especially challenging if you’re working from home. Luckily, you can find creative solutions and get to understand your own beliefs a little better through deep conversations with people who have more experience with the matter at hand as Mercury connects with Neptune.

Taurus sign


You are thinking more about what other people have and that can lead to some jealousy or delusions, Taurus, as Venus moves through your house of shared resources. Appearances are just appearances. You never know what people are actually going through. Venus clashes with Neptune, and it’s better to get inspired by what you admire rather than try to invest some story in your head about them. The full moon in Cancer finds you ripe with ideas. It’s a great time to write things down or have a solid heart-to-heart. You can learn more about what your friends believe and have philosophical discussions as Mercury connects with Neptune.



Your partners and your colleagues are inspiring you to find new ways to present yourself to the public. You’re questioning your career choices and finding other avenues to follow your path and share your legacy with the world. Things can feel a little lost, but this is excellent for the creative process. The full moon illuminates your financial axis, finding you looking at what you have in your pockets. This can of course inspire you to feel even more curious about what you should be doing with your career, but there are always people who can share. Ask for help as Mercury connects with Neptune—this can smooth over some financial questions through the aid of a friend or mentor.



You are wondering how to implement your values and beliefs on a mundane level as Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of beliefs. This is a time when you can find a practical application of things that are moral or ethical, or question your own morals based on what you need to do regularly. The full moon falls in your sign, Cancer, bringing your awareness to what you need and how your body is feeling. This is of course affected by the people that you bring into your environment and the relationships that you choose to engage with. This is a time that you can help be fully grateful for the other people in your life, or you can see that they are really wearing you down and you’d rather change something about it.



Venus in fellow fire sign Sagittarius brings good vibes to your friendships, flings, and creative pursuits. You are ready to have a good time, but there are some things about your closest relationships that are confusing or misleading as Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of illusions. You might be more prone to projecting your own insecurities or experiences onto them right now. Or maybe this is a time that’s awesomely romantic and you’re totally inspired! Either way, it’s idealism. The full moon will shine a light under your bed and show you something you weren’t fully aware of—like the fact that you need to catch up on rest.



Venus, the planet of love and attraction, is currently moving through a deeply personal and private sector of your chart dealing with home and family. Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of beliefs, and you are taking action based on your ideal partnerships, which might have been taught to you by your parents and your parents’ relationship(s). It can be hard to know what’s real, which can be extremely lovely or disorienting. Either way, you’re seeings things in the way that you want to see them, maybe not in the way that they actually are. The full moon connects you to your social life and you can see who in your community is there to support you and share your success with you! There’s always something to celebrate.



Your planetary ruler Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of ideals and beliefs. This is a time when you’re understanding what you truly value in a relationship, but only through dreaming. It’s not a concrete understanding but a questioning, as Venus is in your house of communication. You’re learning about what makes a relationship and can be feeling a little confused, but it’s a work in progress. The full moon falls in your house of career and public reputation, showing you how far you’ve come and where you want to go from here! This is a time to learn to balance work and privacy, and find a way to make the best of both worlds.


You’re a minimalist at heart, Scorpio, but as aesthetic Venus moves through your house of personal resources, there is a desire for more glamorous and beautiful things. Venus clashes with Neptune and your sense of romance is heightened. You’re inspired to woo your friends, lovers, and creative collaborators with your fanciness. This can also be a time when you are questioning your own beliefs around money and possessions. The full moon in fellow water sign Cancer will activate your axis of communication and listening. You are ready to put some information out into the world, having done some research on the ground first. Share your ideas! Just be ready for other people to hear whatever they want as Mercury connects with Neptune.



Venus, the planet of love and attraction, is in your sign, bringing beautiful things into your immediate environment. Venus clashes with Neptune, the planet of beliefs and illusions, and you’re getting inspiration from your past and family life. This is a time when you gain a better understanding of how your inherited beliefs inform who you are today and what you value the most. You can even be changing your aesthetic or shapeshifting in some way. The full moon in your house of other people’s money and shared resources brings issues concerning taxes and debts to a head. Someone else puts all their cards on the table and you can both move ahead from there.



You’re understanding your hidden desires as love planet Venus moves through a secretive sector of your chart. Your intuition around relationships is piqued as Venus clashes with psychic Neptune, sending you some understanding about your own needs in relationships through supernatural messages. This is also a time when your relationship fears are explored or dissolved. The full moon echoes this sentiment as it illuminates your house of partnerships, bringing issues of interpersonal responsibilities to a head. From here, relationships are ready for the next step. A full moon reflects the light of the sun, and the sun is in Capricorn. Consider the ways other people receive your energy and effort, and whether you feel like it’s what you want.



Venus, the planet of love and desire, is in your house of friendships, hopes, and dreams. This is a great time for attracting attention from people that you think are cool! They can even throw some money your way as Venus clashes Neptune—you seem like a worthy cause! The full moon lights up your house of work, health, and routines, so a big project or something you’ve been working on every day is finally ready to be released into the world or enter its next phase. Mercury, the planet of communication, is in a secretive sector of your chart, so you’re being pretty quiet now, but you can ask for some money as it connects with Neptune, especially if it’s to support something for the greater good.



Venus, the planet of love and values, is moving through your house of career, attracting positive attention from people with authority to change your life. Venus clashes with Neptune, your modern planetary ruler, and you are being asked to shape-shift in order to fit a role, or your beliefs are coming into question. This is a time when you can be extremely flexible and idealistic, or you can feel like you have to stand up for what you believe in. You are ready to organize and get a team together to solve the issue as Mercury connects with Neptune. The full moon in fellow water sign Cancer brings your flings, friendships, and creative projects to a head. This is an opportunity to see who’s there for you and tell them how much you appreciate them!

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