
Weekly Horoscope: January 21 – 27

A sketchbook featuring Aquarius

After the clock strikes midnight and Sunday turns to Monday, there is a full moon lunar eclipse in Leo at 12:16 AM. Like any astrological event, the influence of eclipses can be felt for some time before and after: This past weekend was intensified, and the beginning of this week will be as well. During eclipses, life-changing adjustments that are outside of our control take place. With this week’s lunar eclipse, we see the ultimate fruition of the past two and a half years of life changes, as this is the dramatic finale of the series of eclipses in Leo and Aquarius. Adjustments are part of eclipses, and trying to force things to happen results in exhaustion, so take the passenger seat for now. Wait until next week to take charge. Teamwork and collaboration are encouraged now that the sun is in Aquarius, rather than self-made Capricorn. Our collective need to be appreciated and accepted by those we care about is amplified during this eclipse, so give someone a pat on the back, recognize them for their generosity and strength.

On Monday morning we try to get our work done, but are met with limitations as action planet Mars squares off with Saturn, the planet of boundaries, at 6:16 AM. We expect instant gratification but get hit with rules and logistics. This helps us to understand what we need more practice doing in order to be successful and productive in the long run.

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On Tuesday morning, love and money planet Venus meets Jupiter, the planet of abundance at 7:26 AM, helping us smooth over whatever high-strung eclipse antics occurred over the weekend by offering an excess of warmth and well wishes. Overindulgence is likely, and moderation is key.

Unexpected news comes Wednesday morning when communication planet Mercury squares off with Uranus, the planet of surprises, at 6:13 AM. Words create friction leading to an assertion of independence and innovation. Wednesday is a key day for new ideas and understanding the cycles of history, be it your personal history or the history of civilization, in order to imagine a new and improved future. Mercury enters forward-thinking Aquarius at 12:50 AM on Thursday, helping us break out of stuffy patterns of thought as we gravitate towards more unconventional and funny ideas.

On Thursday the weekend is ushered in with some rewards for our actions as Mars harmonizes with lucky Jupiter at 12:53 PM. All of the walls we hit earlier in the week give us space to re-approach the task and bear witness to how our impulsivity pays off.

All times EST


Aquarius (January 19 – February 18)

With a full moon eclipse in your opposite sign early Monday morning, your week begins with relationship drama. Someone in the equation feels like they’re not being appreciated enough, like they’re not being recognized for all the things they provide in the relationship. Make room in your mind to give them credit and let them know they belong in your life. Communication planet Mercury enters your sign on Thursday morning, giving you the words to describe how much your friends belong in your life, and how you intend on including them in your vision for your future. A boost in your paycheck comes this week as lucky Jupiter meets money planet Venus, growing the value of your network.


Pisces (February 18 – March 20)

During the full moon eclipse, your lifestyle was under scrutiny. This week, tidying your room and reorganizing your space provides the facilities to think and breathe. With this clean space, your home and brain are open to welcome the flood of optimism on or around Tuesday morning, when Venus, the planet of values, meets Jupiter, the planet of excess, in your house of fame and fortune. You’ll be getting a lot of recognition this week—which you’ll respond to in a humbled way, heading back into your own mind. On Thursday, your voice lowers when communication planet Mercury enters a quiet sector of your chart, beginning an imaginative but taciturn moment with vivid daydreams. Mars harmonizes with Jupiter on Friday, leading to overspending—give yourself a strict budget.


Aries (March 20 – April 19)

Your need to feel a sense of belonging in your clique stirs up emotions during Monday’s eclipse. The desire to be accepted as an individual and appreciated for everything you do for others, your friends and your community, is perfectly normal and healthy, but you’re especially sensitive right now; to impersonal social climbing and whatever else dims your shine. On Tuesday, an optimism boost helps get you back on track as lovely Venus meets lucky Jupiter, putting you in touch with the bigger picture instead of focusing on drama. With communication planet Mercury entering Aquarius on Thursday, you can at least joke about all of the feelings that Monday’s eclipse roused, and share them far and wide for a therapeutic performance that the eclipse made you crave.


Taurus (April 19 – May 20)

For the past two years and change, you’ve been experiencing unforeseeable changes in your home and career, and with the season finale on Monday morning, your feelings about having a healthy work/home balance are on full blast. It’s tough to decide between your job and your deepest comforts, but it’s not your place to choose at the moment. Life chooses for you right now. On Tuesday morning, your cup overflows as your desire for intimacy reaches a new height, but this helps you to be optimistic about your future despite this week’s challenges. On Thursday, a period of your boss talking to you a lot and having unconventional ideas about your career begins, as Mercury enters your career sector.


Gemini (May 20 – June 21)

You reach peak travel blogger with the eclipse on Monday as you posture yourself as an intellectual, well-rounded personality, and demand attention for your broadened horizons—very cool. Or maybe you have reached the climax of a chapter in your academic life, as your research has finally gotten its chance to shine. Your affections and understanding in your relationships blossom on or around Tuesday morning, as sweet Venus meets optimistic Jupiter. Avoid succumbing to comparing yourself to other people on Wednesday morning when your planet Mercury squares off with unconventional Uranus. You get a refreshing creativity boost on Thursday when Mercury enters fellow air sign Aquarius, helping you see things in a different light. Bouncing your ideas off other people helps diversify your perspective.


Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

The past two years of eclipses have taught you a lot about the value of a dollar, but what truly matters to you are the things that exist beyond money: your friendships and your community. Okay, so maybe these people keep your head above water and it’s necessary for you to support each other in order to support yourselves, but the bottom line is that you must enjoy each other, otherwise things get superficial. Your ability to find the greatest common denominator helps you attack your to-do lists early in the week as aesthetic Venus meets abundant Jupiter in your work sector. Before messenger Mercury leaves your partnerships sector, it brings some surprising news as it squares off with Uranus on Wednesday.


Leo (July 22 – August 23)

During this full moon eclipse in Leo, you want to share yourself with your partners as much as you can, but it can be hard to see where to draw the line. You want to be nice and helpful, but you run into obstacles as action planet Mars squares off with Saturn, the planet of boundaries. It’s difficult to continue being generous when you feel under-appreciated, but hopefully you can find reminders of how special you are to everyone in your life, even if you have to dig deep to find them. On Thursday, messenger Mercury enters your partnerships sector, and others start opening themselves up and letting you know everything that’s on their mind—some intellectual conversations could help alleviate the emotional zapping of the eclipse.


Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Something weighing heavily on your mind for the past two years becomes crystal clear Monday morning with the eclipse, which lights up a normally dark, quiet, and imperceptible sector of your chart. Your deepest inner self is demanding your attention early in the week, and you ought to listen. On Tuesday, affections for your family and roommates help you feel cozy and welcomed when sweet Venus meets optimistic Jupiter in your domestic sector. Some surprise text messages cause you to change your perspective when your planetary ruler Mercury squares off with unconventional Uranus on Wednesday. On Thursday, Mercury changes signs, bringing with it a load of chores for you to do, appointments to make, and new work for you to take care of!


Libra (September 22 – October 23)

You want to be popular so bad and it shows on Monday morning under the light of the full moon eclipse. Any lapse in recognition for who you are and what you’ve contributed to your clique and your community makes you feel under-appreciated, which can lead to some cattiness. Luckily, you can express some affection and social commentary on Tuesday when your planetary ruler Venus meets philosophical Jupiter—just avoid getting yourself worked up by making broad generalizations. On Wednesday, there is some surprising news at home when messenger Mercury squares off with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. Your creativity and playfulness hits a stride on Thursday when Mercury enters Aquarius, helping you get into an artsy mind frame and send funny texts to your friends.


Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)

You want your legacy to be known. With the eclipse on Monday, you demand attention for all the work you’ve done, because the fame you already have isn’t enough. Your career reaches a crescendo now. You try to do more at work as your planetary ruler Mars squares off with Saturn, the planet of discipline, but it finds you running into logistical difficulties. Things smooth out towards the weekend as Mars harmonizes with optimistic Jupiter on Friday afternoon, helping you find the support you need to get your shit together and grow. On Thursday, Mercury enters the domestic sector of your chart and you start doing a lot more chores around the house, trying to make your home into a cozy salon where your guests can be inspired by each other.


Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)

Your need to share your ideas with the world reaches a peak with Monday’s eclipse as you feel an emotional need to be recognized as a super cool intellectual, someone who stands out and shares their gifts with others. You demand respect for all the free inspiration that you give people, and you damn well deserve it! On Tuesday, sweet Venus meets optimistic Jupiter, giving you a steady stream of inspiration and personal empowerment. As Mercury enters your communication sector on Thursday, you come up with some schemes to organize all of the seemingly discordant information into a beautiful masterpiece that can be synthesized and eventually shared from your soapbox as something powerful and special.


Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)

The past two years of eclipses have had significant impact on your finances. Right now, money seems to be something that other people have, but you don’t really need it because you’re too cool and authentic for all of the followers and material things. Deep down inside, you’re jealous and secretly desire the fame and fortune that people seem to have in abundance. This has motivated you to work harder and make plans for your future fortune. Don’t let financial FOMO get in the way of your happiness, but more conversations about money are on their way as messenger Mercury enters your house of personal resources on Thursday. A feeling of abundance and wealth comes from home on Friday when action planet Mars harmonizes with optimistic Jupiter.

What’s in the stars for you in January? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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