Can’t get enough of your Broadly horoscopes? Join us for Cosmic Nights, a monthly dance party celebrating the sign of the season—think themed food, drinks, music, and magical surprises. Next up? A whimsical Gemini event in Brooklyn on May 18!
We start this week off with some slow cow energy: Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters Taurus, the sign of creature comforts, on Monday at 2:25 PM. We’re going to be thinking with our bodies—hands-on learning is encouraged. People will be less likely to budge when it comes to their ideas, although debates are invigorated as we are prone to playing devil’s advocate as a way to strengthen our own arguments.
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Serious commitments are made earlier in the week as Venus, the planet of values, clashes with Saturn, the planet of discipline, on Tuesday at 9:26 AM. Since Saturn is newly retrograde, we’ll be using past lessons to make informed decisions on how to act in the face of power struggles.
Surprising news arrives mid-week as messenger Mercury meets with Uranus, the planet of surprises, on Wednesday at 10:22 AM. Cross-reference your sources and make sure the messages you receive are actually, factually true—you should know by now that fast news doesn’t mean real news! This is especially so as the sun gently connects with Neptune, the planet of dreams, on the same day, coloring social interactions with rosy idealism.
Abundance is accelerated as love and beauty planet Venus harmonizes with generous Jupiter on Thursday at 12:56 PM, encouraging you to start the weekend early. Careful not to overdo it! Just minutes later, at 1:18 PM, Venus clashes with power planet Pluto, encouraging us to confront structures of power with faith for a better future.
Hard work pays off as the week comes to a close. The sun harmonizes with Saturn, the planet of discipline, on Saturday at 5:19 AM. It is now that we can see material results of self-discipline and restraint.
Hedonism, cutting loose, and standing up to authority—what more could you ask for?
All times EST

Taurus (April 19 – May 20)
This Monday starts a new chapter as you sharpen your tongue to prepare to be sassy as hell. With Mercury in your sign, you’ll be able to step in to debates with more mental tact. On Tuesday, you make moves to address commitments that require an understanding of security that you don’t have all of the details for yet, so you take a leap of faith. You have a lot of surprising and fresh ideas this week—you can surprise yourself during this newfound adventurous and unhinged era. Employ your hopes and fears to achieve a new sense of optimism and humility.

Gemini (May 20 – June 21)
You’re an outspoken person, Gemini, but this Monday kicks off a period of choosing your words more carefully before speaking: Your planter ruler Mercury moves into patient Taurus on Monday afternoon. Practice patience. Don’t be so concerned with what other people seem to have. Kill FOMO by reminding yourself to be grateful for the hand you’ve been dealt. Your intuition is peaking, but remind yourself of your own perspective and bias—it is possible that your understanding of your situation is distorted by your worst fears. Your romantic relationships and friendships are a source of inspiration and support through a rainy day. Your social life is supported by the planetary weather towards the end of the week.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
After spending the past few weeks dealing with authority, you’re ready to take your mind off work to party and relax with kind strangers, Cancer. After wrapping up some important ideas Monday morning, you’re ready to go out! Near Tuesday, you review your commitment to others, making adjustments that afford you the best, most sustainable relationships. Surprising news online comes mid-week. Towards the end of the week, you really want to feel supported in your relationships. You crave stability and will settle for nothing less than what you are confident you deserve. Regardless of whatever happens in love, you’re in the mood to go out and party, so enjoy.

Leo (July 22 – August 23)
You’ve spent the past few weeks thinking about the future and shaping your beliefs to be at their peak performance. Starting Monday, you’re ready to step out, putting these haughty beliefs into action and showing the world the grace of your beautiful and powerful mind. The exciting changes that you’re making now are in support of your forever fresh-faced future. You’re allowed to have high standards. Mid-week, you receive some exciting news about your job as things take an unexpected turn, putting you in demand out of the blue. Let your passions take the wheel as you follow your heart and have a lot of fun as the week comes to a close. Work commitments flow smoothly and without resistance this weekend.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Monday starts a new chapter for you, Virgo, as your planetary ruler Mercury switches signs. You’ve spent the past few weeks curious about other people’s ideas, but after some deep consideration and psychological transformation, you’re ready to step out of the dark and explore new worlds. This week you take steps to address how to improve your approach to shared possessions. Intimate relationships, for example, deserve an upgrade. You’re learning some pretty impressive lessons on perspective as Mercury meets rebellious and ingenuitive Uranus midweek. Material and metaphysical support from your partners inspires personal growth and a deepening of understanding for yourself. Be aware of how their own insecurities can affect you and create appropriate boundaries.

Libra (September 22 – October 23)
After a period of curiosity within your relationships, you dive deeper on Monday, going into the dark corners of other people’s minds, unafraid of issues concerning intimacy and trust. You have your own long personal history that inspires what you require in a relationship. It’s OK to need more security and to be responsible when it comes to your feelings, just be aware of the differences between your problems and other people’s problems. Find where one stops and the other starts. Your responsibilities and past experiences aren’t necessarily apparent to other people. You are well prepared to be your own support system. As somber as this sounds, you have a lot of optimism and space for your relationships.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 22)
Your mind has been focused on work for a while now, and come Monday, it’s about time you get a handle on your business. Wrap it up, and give the other people in your life some attention. With Mercury entering your relationships sector, you’re going to be more intellectually engaged with others, opting to learn about them through hands-on experience. Make time for yourself as you commit to making space in your schedule for your own needs. If you’re in a committed relationship, you can feel that it’s time to have a conversation about creating more space and freedom for you to operate interdependently. Unconventional relationship dynamics are on the table. Time is a precious resource, but you’re willing to share it with the right people.

Sagittarius (November 21 – December 21)
Earlier in the day on Monday, you feel a push to express your lust for life, adding the finishing touches on a passion project. After that, the party’s over, and it’s time for you to focus on your hustle as Mercury, the planet of the mind, enters your house of daily routines. You need to enjoy your life, but you also have a sense that time is of the essence. It’s your party and you can cry if you want to, but are the tears really necessary, Sag? Be happy that you have lovers and friends who actively support the long game. Midweek you try an unconventional approach to your health and work as you welcome new ideas. The end of the week is gorgeous and invigorating on a creative and romantic level.

Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)
You’ve been concerned with processing your home and family life, Capricorn, but this Monday, you lighten up and make some conscious space for fun and flirtation, as Mercury, the planet of communication, enters your house of pleasure, bringing invitations to parties. Hedonism is good for your brain right now as you ground yourself in thinking with the five senses. You have a busy life, but it’s time to practice some self-love. The time that you spend working on your physical health and personal life can only make you more productive at work. Midweek you’re in a particularly freaky mood to be creative and have fun in new and exciting ways. Have a little faith that everything is going to be OK as the week comes to a close. Celebrate yourself.

Aquarius (January 19 – February 18)
After some weeks of research and reading, you’re moved into action at home on Monday, initiating new domestic projects as messenger Mercury enters a private and personal sector of your chart. You’re making moves that give you peace of mind, making plans for the future that support you in ways that you can only dream of now. You’re trying to make sense of the weirdest ideas, which is something you have a natural talent for, Aquarius. You can rationalize things that have never before been rationalized. Respect your inner mad scientist. This weekend, let two seemingly disparate groups of friends meet and encourage worlds to collide. Try integrating your friend groups to make one big happy family. Inner peace and grounding is supported this Saturday.

Pisces (February 18 – March 20)
After spending time thinking about the ways you support yourself both materially and psychologically, you enter a more intellectually curious headspace on Monday as messenger Mercury enters your house of contracts and correspondences. Don’t let your idealism stand in the way of having positive friendships. You might be reminded this week that you have higher hopes for humanity than what people can actually deliver, but that’s OK; a reality check is in order! You don’t let this rain on your parade, though—the creative power of your mind is a beauty to behold, and you can perform problem solving like nobody’s business. The realization that you are capable of relying on yourself just a little bit more than before gives you a self-esteem boost.

Aries (March 20 – April 19)
This Monday you start a new chapter when it comes to thinking about your budget as you buckle down and get strict about the true value of a dollar. As you initiate new understandings of prosperity, you’re striving to do the best you can in order to reach the top of the ladder, commanding respect for your hustle as you renew your commitment to your professional life. Unexpected news about your finances is ushered in as messenger Mercury meets Uranus, the planet of surprises, on Wednesday. Regardless of whatever curveballs life throws at you this week, you have high hopes for the future and a generous optimism that can provide forgiveness and comfort in spite of the overbearing demands from authority figures in your life.
What’s in the stars for you in May? Read your monthly horoscope here.
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