You Can Pay $5 to Find Out If Your Significant Other Is Secretly Using Tinder

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There’s a new way to find out if you’re being cheated on, and it only costs a few dollars more than your average cup of coffee. Vanity Fair reports that a new website called Swipe Buster will let you find anyone on Tinder for the low, low price of $5.

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After paying the fee, all you have to do is enter the first name, age, and general location of whoever you’re spying on. Swipe Buster will scour Tinder’s public API—which holds all Tinder users info—and spit the data back at you. It’ll show you who fits the info you entered, their photos, when they last logged on, and whether they’re looking for women or men.

In the old days, a distraught spouse would have to hire some Philip Marlowe–type to track their husband or wife. Thanks to Swipe Buster, you can do the whole thing from the comfort of your own home. Handy, right?

According to the Vanity Fair article, Tinder—clearly peeved by Swipe Buster—said in a statement that “searchable information on the website is public information that Tinder users have on their profiles. If you want to see who’s on Tinder, we recommend saving your money and downloading the app for free.”

You could also, like, maintain an open and honest relationship and just talk things out instead of spying with some freaky-ass technology, but whatever.