
Your Summer Will Taste Better with Chili-Citrus Soft Shell Crabs

The sun is out. Vitamin D-starved office workers are descending upon grassed communal areas to eat makeshift Pret picnics. The gradual self-tanner you’ve been applying since March must be taking hold, because with the right Insta filter, you could totally look like you just got back from two weeks in the Algarve.

Summer … is that you?

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We’re gonna risk jinxing it all and announce it to the world: Yes, summer is here, people! And with this change in season should come a change in seasoning. Be gone, heavy clove and cardamon and warming notes of cinnamon—hot weather-eating is all about fresh citrus, zingy chilies, and seasonal herbs.

RECIPE: Chili-Citrus Deep-Fried Soft Shell Crabs

Ramen Tatsu-Ya, Austin’s premiere, Fernet-shotting ramen joint, gets this. Their soft shell crabs are marinated in chili garlic sauce, coriander, and lime juice for four hours. At least. That’s like taking a long, lazy afternoon bath in the flavours of summer.

They also get covered in cornstarch and deep-fried because y’know, it could start to get a bit nippy later on.