Vice: So is the photo you took for this issue’s cover real?
Ryan McGinley: Why were you guys in New Mexico?
Photo Issue cover photo by Ryan McGinley
That sounds crazy.
Did you always want to be a photographer?
Your work has really changed direction since you started.
Which was what?
Dakota and Lou Pucci on the set of
So working on the movie inspired the structure of the road trip project, but how did you decide on all the traveling and outdoorsy-ness that went into the photos?
What do you do when you’re not taking photos?
You shoot a lot of film. How many shots does it take to make one good photo?
Ryan has a show of new work, called
, up from October 28 to December 2, 2006 at Galerie du Jour / agnès b. in Paris.
Ryan McGinley: Why were you guys in New Mexico?
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Illustration by Reesa.