
Exclusive: Behind the Scenes with Seven Psycopaths


Seven Psychopaths is a new movie from Martin McDonagh about seven psychopaths. What sets this movie apart from other movies about psychopaths (which, let’s be honest, is the bulk of Hollywood films at the moment) is the caliber of actors who make up the psychopathic people. Christopher Walken, Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, and Tom Waits, to name a few. The plot concerns a crappy screenwriter and his friends (the psychos), who kidnap a gangster’s dog. What follows are all the inevitable twists and turns anyone who’s stolen a violent crime lord’s Shih Tzu can tell you about. Today we’re premiering an exclusive behind the scenes deal with short actor/director interviews and clips from the film. Give it a watch and listen to Christopher Walken talk about that time a giant owl hovered over the set in the desert all night, and then go see the movie on October 12.