Downtime Pilgrimages


When the Station to Station: a public art project made possible by Levi’s® train’s not rolling we generally find ourselves out exploring the local landscape. In Arizona this means giant craters, grand canyons and a million and one references to Route 66. The Pueblo people once considered the Grand Canyon a holy site and if holy means feeling small in the presence of something huge, then the Grand Canyon is easily the Vatican City of dry riverbeds.

The Pueblo people would make pilgrimages here and then sacrifice an animal at the bottom. It’s eight hours to the bottom so we just made our own homage with photo opportunities from the top.

Videos by VICE

Just outside of Winslow where Giorgio Moroder, Cat Power and Jackson Browne are all scheduled to play is the world’s biggest crater. It wasn’t until 1903, long after the railroads had connected the West to the East of the USA, that Daniel Barringer suggested that the giant lump scooped out of Northern Arizona might just be from a meteor collision. Barringer was an engineer but he was also a dreamer. He spent the best part of his life drilling holes in the crater on the hunt for iron ore but found very little. Most of it had vaporized as the meteor cut through earth’s atmosphere.

Still, his efforts brought Meteor Crater to the attention of the world and America would be nothing it it wasn’t for its dreamers. Like Doug Aitken and this whole Levi’s® project.

Although at the pace we’re flying across the country and the parties we’re having, it’s hard to imagine anyone dreaming when there’s barely enough time to sleep.

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