
A Year of Lil Wayne: “Won’t Fuck Wit Me”

Day 54: “Won’t Fuck Wit Me” –  Da Drought , 2004

Today’s mood is: You can’t hold us down. Fuck ’em! Fuck ’em! Knock us down once and we’ll come back swinging ten times harder. So to speak. “Who gon’ fuck with me? Tell ’em I’m waiting for ’em,” Wayne raps here. Come for us (which is what this last week has felt like) and you’ll discover it’s not as easy as you hoped. This is, although combative, a fun song, with Wayne ducking and dodging through the beat and finding all kinds of fun little runs of internal rhyme. He eulogizes Jam Master Jay with his shell toe Adidas. He raps “Amazing Grace.” He has one of the funnest sounding descriptions of selling crack I’ve heard on any rap song—which is saying something—when he raps “I wasn’t born with no silver spoon but I can heat in the spoon and pitch it in a balloon.”

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Maybe the best part, though, is at the end, when he just starts listing off the extravagant paint jobs he’s given all his cars as proof he’s not hiding from anyone. Be the person who paints your metaphorical gray jeep in pink camo in the world today. Don’t hide. Fuck ’em!

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