
Alleged Perth Dine-and-Dasher Receives Precisely Zero GoFundMe Donations

It has occurred to us all at some point. You look around to find the staff so unengaged they’re barely keeping themselves upright, and think: I have dined. And now I could probably just dash. But you don’t, because honestly, who can be bothered being chased as said staff unexpectedly snap back into action? You were too tired to even bother boiling noodles. That’s why you dined.

That said, some feel the dine-and-dash dance has an acceptable risk/benefit ratio.

One of those people, allegedly, is a Perth woman featured in numerous photos posted by restaurants across the city, all claiming she skipped out on the bill. There was a man with her too, they say. Clearly one in no position to wine-and-dine, sans dash, his blonde.

Cue an anonymous GoFundMe page titled “Help Busty Aussie Blonde”, seeking $2000 for legal fees:

“AUSTRALIAN LADY BEING HUNTED FOR SOMETHING SHE DIDNT DO,” it implores. “Being blamed in small town of perth IN western Australia. Please help to stop injustice. Please donate towards legal fees. Need urgently. You would be a great help to stop this madness.” [sic]

Sadly, not a dollar has been donated to the cause, despite the page being shared a handful of times and a new plea designed to demonstrate the blonde’s situation as a microcosm of systemic injustice at large:

“Really needing some support shown for those who stuck up for what they believe to be true and correct.”

According to WA Today, WA Police are currently investigating the claims by several restaurants that the couple dashed from food bills as high as $500.

Only in small town of perth IN western Australia.