
An Ode to the Doorstop That Functioned as a Handheld, AKA the Pinnacle of Comfort in the Gaming World; The Nintendo 2DS

The Nintendo 2DS was a monumental system, not only because it was incredibly cost-effective, but because it was so damn comfy.

The 2DS in Transparent Red
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

Doorstop. Breadloaf. Hideous. These are three of the easiest ways people could describe the Ugly Duckling of the Nintendo 3DS family, the original 2DS. But, there are better ways to describe it in my book. The GOAT. Comfortable. Hideous. I mean, we have to look at things realistically here, it was not a pretty console. But for longer gaming sessions as someone with big hands and plenty of free time, the original Nintendo 2DS is still one of my favorite handhelds ever made. And I’ve owned every version of the 3DS there was.

A number of different 2DS colors from Nintendo
Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki

The Nintendo 2DS asked Us To REject Clamshell and Return TO Breadloaf

The initial few months of owning a Nintendo 3DS were a tumultuous time. Launching at far too high of an asking price, having a terrible launch line-up, and being a follow-up to one of the most successful consoles of all time was difficult. Sure, Steel Diver may have been the best of the bunch at the start, but that didn’t mean much for me and my $250 doorstop. My Aqua Blue beauty quickly got its price slashed down to $179.99, and I got an Ambassador Certificate in exchange. Cool, I guess?

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But after multiple hardware revisions and prices going higher alongside them, Nintendo dropped the greatest handheld deal of all time; the Nintendo 2DS. Initially mocked by critics and fans alike, that all would change as soon as this $99 handheld dropped into their hands. It’s so comfortable, following the classic form factor of the Game Boy before it. Sure, it was missing some features; Mono audio, no 3D slider, and no clamshell. But this thing was made out of pure Nintendium. A longer-lasting battery, able to be whipped like a boomerang and return unscathed, the original 2DS was a beast.

While the smaller New 3DS may be my favorite console that Nintendo has ever released stylistically, the original 2DS was a showstopper in many other ways. Try playing Kid Icarus: Uprising on the original, launch model 3DS. Now try playing it on the Breadloaf. You’ll understand why this thing rocks after that.

My wife playing a clear blue 2DS back in 2015, with Animal Crossing New Leaf on the screen
Katie playing a 2DS circa 2015 (Screenshot: Shaun Cichacki)

The Price of Entry Made It Easy To Get My Girlfriend at the Time Into Gaming

The 2DS catered to younger players and those who didn’t need all of the bells and whistles of the main 3DS consoles. Sure, the 3D feature was pretty neat, but I’m also sure it’s part of the reason why I need glasses now in my older age. Plus, my girlfriend at the time had never had a handheld to call her own. Well, now as my wife, she’s got a Switch, an Xbox, and just about everything in between. But her gaming journey technically started on the 2DS itself.

For Valentine’s Day, I decided to be romantic and get each of us a 2DS. She got the transparent blue as a callback to the ’90s and to match her calm demeanor. And I got the transparent red, because I like red. I’m a simple man who likes simple things. Each armed with a copy of Pokemon and Animal Crossing, our relationship deepened alongside her love of gaming. And that wouldn’t have been possible without the power of the cheapo 2DS.

Later down the line, she upgraded to the New 3DS XL. But she didn’t take into consideration that she has tiny baby hands (I say that lovingly, but it’s also the truth). It was another confirmation that the original 2DS was the most comfortable handheld. And honestly? I still love the thing, even though the Switch 2 is on the horizon.