
Black Friday Not Your Thing? Play These Free Games Instead.

It’s Black Friday, the oh-so-American shopping holiday where prices are slashed, people stampede stores, and retail workers get the short end of every imaginable stick.

I personally only did the up-at-five Black Friday thing once, in 2008. I got my butt to a store early to nab an Xbox 360 bundle (it came with Kung Fu Panda and Lego Indiana Jones!), which I promptly returned to my mother to wrap up as my Christmas gift that year.

Videos by VICE

But if you aren’t into the Black Friday madness, I don’t blame you. And we have some good alternatives for you!

Short on cash? Check out our Free Play section, where we highlight a free game every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We have everything from short horror games to bizarre bone manipulation sims and “tiny autobiographies” in there, all of them worth your time and attention.

Quur screen courtesy of Lucie Viatge

Maybe you feel like doing some good? The Good Bundle (disclaimers abound! read the post!) has 151 games, comics and development assets on offer, with all of the proceeds going to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood. 

Of course you could also sit back and enjoy our videos, especially the cut-downs from our 72-hour livestream. Or try out an episode or two of Waypoint Radio!

No matter what you celebrate, know that on this holiday weekend, we’re thankful to you, dear readers/listeners/viewers. 

Header image from Dead Rising 4, courtesy of Capcom.