
Here’s the DJ Who Agreed to Play Trump’s Inauguration Concert

The calamitous search for musical guests during Trump’s inauguration weekend is one of the handful of things putting a smile on my face about the whole proceedings. For legitimate political differences or the fear of associating with such a toxic brand, the Trump team’s invitation been turned down by…pretty much everyone, most recently Moby who responded, simply, with laughter.

Today, though, they’ve announced the lineup for a concert they’re calling the “Make America Great Again!’ Welcome Celebration,” which’ll go down on Thursday January 19, the day before the inauguration proper, and will feature the likes of post-grunge lightweights 3 Doors Down and country superstar Toby Keith. Per 3 Doors Down’s Instagram, they also somehow managed to snag a selector for the proceedings: the legendary DJ Ravidrums. Who is DJ Ravidrums you may ask? Well if you’re not familiar with the occasional reality TV contestant and one-time musical director for the entirely forgotten NBC show Howie Do It who claims on his website to have invented the “live re-mix,” may I direct you to the below video, taken from Nintendo’s 2008 presentation at E3. Take it away, Ravi.

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