
‘Driving Is Hard’ Challenges Players To Race in a Four-Wheeled Bathtub, and I Need It Now

‘Driving is Hard’ looks like the chaotic energy we all need to start 2025 off on the right foot, and I’m excited to jump in.

Jeff driving his bathtub in 'Driving is Hard'
Screenshot: Elegant Horse Studios

During my daily ‘Everything Is Fine’ doomscroll through social media, I tend to pop across a lot of wild games I would have normally never known about. Games like Slackers: Carts of Glory overtook my TikTok algorithm at one point in time. And I’m sad I never would have found them if it wasn’t for these social media platforms. That’s why I was shocked and appalled that my algorithm didn’t show me Driving Is Hard earlier. I need to see if my bathtub driving skills are as good as I imagine they would be.

A screenshot of 'Driving is Hard', showing Jeff and the bathtub that he's driving
Screenshot: Elegant Horse Studios

‘Driving Is Hard’ Looks LIke the Perfect Amount of CHaos I require in A Day

A quick glance at the Steam Page for Driving is Hard makes it even more apparent that this is a game for me. With given tags of “Psychological Horror,” as well as “Difficult” and “Physics,” my Chained Together skills are going to be put to the test here. It has the same vibes as Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, where it’s going to be a frustrating exercise in patience. I can’t wait to give it a try myself.

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While this appears to be a purely single-player affair at the moment? I only hope the option to take my bathtub driving skills to the next level with friends is coming soon. Playing through Chained Together with a full group was one of the most entertaining gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Now, put everybody in a slippery tub. I can only imagine this game would be responsible for ending more friendships than any Mario Party ever could have.

If you’re a masochist like me and find joy in games like this, don’t fret. You have a week to wait before you see if you can handle what Driving Is Hard will dish out. I already know I’m going to be there on day one. Jeff will have quite an ordeal ahead, as it looks like this adventure will go off the rails quickly. I just hope I can use bubble bath while I’m driving, just to make things even more interesting.