This 77-Year-Old Texan Explaining Why She’s Voting for Beto Is Pure as Hell

Pamela Aguirre

Most 2018 midterm voting stories so far have been about long lines, broken machines, and other polling station nightmares, but at least there’s one unbearably sweet thing to come out of it all: This adorable video of a 77-year-old Texan tearing up over Beto O’Rourke.

On Tuesday morning, Pamela Aguirre showed up to her polling place in El Paso, Texas, to cast her vote for the Democratic Senate candidate hoping to unseat Ted Cruz, dressed in a “Beto for Senate” shirt and wheeling her oxygen tank alongside her. While she was there, she happened to run into O’Rourke himself standing in line, MSNBC reports.

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MSNBC caught up with Aguirre a few hours after the surprise encounter, and her emotional retelling of the whole story is enough to melt even the coldest of hearts.

“We think he’s pretty important, and we’re honored that he was here,” Aguirre said, as her eyes welled up with tears. “He represents everything Donald Trump isn’t.”

“We want him to win, and we’ll be watching the TV tonight with him,” she continued. “He’ll be someplace in the city. But it’ll be just so much. It will mean that, my gosh, we all still have a chance to have a decent country and decent values with decent relationships with other people.”

Give the whole video a watch above and let the overwhelming sweetness of an elderly woman in a beanie talking passionately about the world soothe you, if just for a moment. Hopefully she’s happy with the results of Tuesday’s election. If watching her cry tears of joy can hit that hard, let’s hope we never have to see her cry actual tears of sadness. The world could not withstand it.

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