
Finally, Someone Has Combined ‘The Simpsons’ with Punk Album Covers

Though the beloved TV show The Simpsons sadly went off the airwaves after ten wonderful seasons in 1999 (you cannot prove this to be untrue la la la not listening la la la), the show seems to have more relevance now, in the internet age, than ever before. With a rotating door of incompetent dunces in the White House, there is an appropriate Simpsons reference for every bad headline, and with Frinkiac, the most essential resource on the whole internet, we are all free to make these comparisons within seconds.

Perhaps our cartoon president kissing Bob Dole reminds you of Homer Simpson kissing Hans Moleman (who tastes like a peanut!), for example. Or maybe when he tried to impress his new chief of staff, it was reminiscent of when Homer wore a tie to impress Frank Grimes (or “Grimey” as he liked to be called). Or maybe when disgraced former White House Press Secretary (you really have to be working hard to earn that title) Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci heard the Late Show audience saying “Moooooch” instead of “boooo,” you instinctively thought of the famous “booourns” scene. But maybe, instead of politics, you see a commonality between Simpsons references and punk albums.

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That’s the premise behind Millions of Dead Simpsons, the Instagram account that has done the Lord’s work of combining the two. The account covers a wide range within the genre and includes lots of subtle references to the show. Here’s Bart as ALL’s Allroy for example:

Or Kirk Van Houten singing his hit song “Can I Borrow a Feeling?” on the cover of Rancid’s Life Won’t Wait. (The Dignity graffiti in the background is a nice touch.)

Groundskeeper Willie on an AFI album:

Smilin’ Joe Fission on the cover of The Age of Quarrel:

The Devil Ned Flanders on a NAILS record (not pictured: the starting line of the 1976 Philadelphia Flyers):

Lisa (when she looked like Blossom!) on the Bouncing Souls’ How I Spent My Summer Vacation… or like yew knowww whateverrrr…

And of course, Otto the busdriver in the role he was born to play: The zombie metalhead on the cover of Municipal Waste’s The Art of Partying.

More of this on the internet, please. And thank god for memes, which have destroyed more young minds than syphilis and pinball combined.

Follow Millions of Dead Simpsons on Instagram. And follow Dan Ozzi on Twitter if you want. He posts Simpsons memes sometimes too.