Fit Check: Victoria’s Pride 2023

​Image by Kallista Richards

Last week, Melbourne’s queerest corner was brought to life with thousands of the coolest people in the world, who took hold of the apex that adjoins Gertrude and Smith Street in Collingwood-Fitzroy to celebrate Victoria’s Pride.

It was the second time the neighbourhood had hosted a street party to honour Pride, with the first iteration occurring in 2022. The bill included a showcase from Open Seen, a Melbourne-based community collective for and by queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, and people of colour, as well as performances by Keiynan Lonsdale (aka Rainbow Boy), Casey Donovan, Chela, and Alter Boy, among others.

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Stalls, stages and DJ booths swam up in a sea of rainbow, cuties, bubbles, drinks, latex and all manner of streamers. People danced on balconies and roofs of their two-story Edwardian terraces. A huge banner strung up across a shop top announced: “NO COPS AT PRIDE // BE GAY, DO CRYM”. 

It was beautiful.

And there were many beautiful people. And the many beautiful people were dressed in many beautiful outfits. VICE loves beautiful people, and beautiful outfits. So, we asked about them.

Rachel [Rat Goth], 35, and Charlie, 38

Rachel [Rat God] and Charlie
@ratgothvintage @its_charlie_innit

VICE: Hi… I’m so sorry to interrupt your lunch, but you both look so cool. I have to ask you about your outfits.

Rat Goth: I stole these pants off Charlie, and they’re now part of my wardrobe, and this top I just bought down the road. There’s this chick with a little stall, selling clothes out of her wardrobe. I arrived a short moment ago and she said you have to take the black vest. So here’s the outfit.

Charlie: This is an old Tool shirt from the early 2000s. I did my first pinga to Tool when I was like 18, so. These are some classic docs and some school shorts from some random school I don’t know where.

Rachel [Rat God] and Charlie
@ratgothvintage @its_charlie_innit

You both look amazing, what colour do you think your aura is?

Charlie: I like blue and green, so I hope it’s something like that, but how would you know?

I think it’s something in your heart. I think mine is purple. Actually I think that’s because I’m wearing purple today, so ignore that.

Rat Goth: I feel like mine has a split personality… like black and pink, and both of them are always fighting, like who’s gonna win. Am I gonna be a Barbie or a Goth today? So you just end up with Goth Barbie.

Rachel [Rat God] and Charlie
@ratgothvintage @its_charlie_innit

Frock Hudson / DEANation

@deanuswiththebig @frockhudson

So, I’m talking with royalty right now. Can you please tell me a little about your outfit?

So I’ve been in drag all day, and running around. I’ve just done a tour, and after three weeks of running around with Midsumma, this is my relaxation look.

I’m actually in a rubber wrestling suit, some fabulous cowboy boots from a venue just down the road, Rocco’s, and a fabulous rainbow ruffle coat, that a drag queen actually gave to me. I love it.

After such a big, fabulous day, if I stepped out in casual clothes, everyone’s gonna know know how tired I am. So I’ve gone glam!

No one’s gonna know. What’s your favourite colour?


What’s your favourite texture?


@deanuswiththebig @frockhudson

What would you like to tell the world?

I’m just really happy to celebrate Victoria’s Pride for the second year in a row, and it’s absolutely amazing that we get to celebrate ourselves in this way, not only around the world, but around our own country and in regional places. I think it’s great we can celebrate diversity and inclusion.

@deanuswiththebig @frockhudson

Tomas, 27


Hiiiiii. Where are you from?

Aukland, New Zealand.

Do you live here now?

Yeah, for about seven months now.

I’m dying to know about your outfit…

My outfit is all reused vapes, it is reduce, reuse, rethink my life choices… I don’t know what else to say.

Tomas, 27

It truly says it all. This is a piece of art though, are you going to put it anywhere after you’re done with it?

The NGV, obviously.

What’s your current obsession?

Probably with this outfit. It took like five hours to make the original incarnation, then I hated it and redid it, and that was another five hours… So we’re hoping it’s good. If it’s not, I might kill myself.

What would you like to tell the world?

Trans rights!!


Danny, 23


What’s your favourite colour?

A little baby blue moment… I think.

Do you think it’s the same colour as your aura?

I think my aura’s more of like a forest green.

Are you also from Aukland, New Zealand?

How did you know???

Danny, 23

What’s your current obsession?

Probably Charli XCX

OOOOO… are you going to go see her?

I don’t have tickets but I would die to see “Vroom Vroom” live.

We have to figure out a way for you to get tickets. Anything else you’d like to tell the world?

Gay rights!!

Karmin Cant, 34


Whereabouts are you from?

I’m from Geelong.

Ouh! And do you live in the city, or still Geelong?

I’m still in Geelong, but I’m always in the city. I’m a drag queen so this is where the life is.

So you’re down at the beach, are you a surfer?

I do surf, not often any more, but I used to.


Please tell me more about your outfit.

I made it all myself. This is wetsuit material, it just flows so nicely. It’s a little heavy, but it’s nice.

Anything else you’d like to tell the world?

Happy Pride! Educate youth about Pride rights and the queer community, because it’s important.


Vin Tagè


Hello!! Where are you from?

Originally from Wollongong! I moved down to Melbourne about 10 years ago.

Gorgeous. What’s your favourite part about living in Melbourne?

The people, the culture, the atmosphere.

What’s been the highlight of your day so far?

The people, the culture, the atmosphere!


Can you please tell me about your outfit?

So, I literally made this yesterday. I got this dress from Salvos for $22 and then I hand tacked in the Pride flag. And then, my mum made this hat, she’s a milliner.

A milliner!

Yes, a milliner from Wollongong. Shout out to mum.

What do you do, are you an artist?

No, I’m a visual merchandiser, at Chadstone. Basically a window-dresser.

What’s your favourite part about Chadstone?

Leaving it.


Tu, 30


Where are you from?

New Zealand. I’ve been here almost eight years now.

Ah, a local!

A local!


What’s been the highlight of your day?

Probably just seeing my friends. And also, I like that we can do this here. It’s really cool.

Please tell me about your outfit.

There isn’t much to it, I wanted something that wasn’t too hot, so shirt, shorts and singlet. Then you can’t go wrong with a cowboy hat.

What colour do you think your aura is?

Oooh. That’s a good one. I’d hope like a yellow, or maybe baby blue. Because… I tend to like to make people happy. That’s why.

What would you tell the world?

Live your life. Live, laugh, love. All that shit.




Hi X, you look amazing, can you please tell me about your outfit?

I love red, obviously, so I opted to wear this one. I don’t know, it feels good to wear it.

Where are you from?

I’m from the Phillipines, and I’m working at the moment in Shepparton, as a nurse.

Wow, did you come all the way down from Shepparton today? That’s a massive trip.

Yes! And I have to stay tonight as well.

What are you most excited for this afternoon?

Actually, just everything. The people, the LGBT+ community, everything.


Donta, 18


Where are you from?

I’m from Queensland, and I just moved here.

Which suburb did you select?

North Melbourne.

Nice! What’s the biggest difference between Queensland and Melbourne?

The people. No offence, but Melbourne people are a little intimidating. They’re not standoffish, but everyone really minds their business. When you chuck a smile at someone, it isn’t reciprocated. But then you talk to them and they’re nice… Everyone’s just in their own lane, which I kinda love but…

Be nice!

Be nice!


Why’d you move here?

I’m studying a full time dance course.

Can you tell me about your outfit?

Details… ok… My jeans are from Depop, literally $15. I got them before they were trendy, before all the white bitches got them. My bag is daddy’s money. And I have the non-binary flag, obviously! It’s Pride, what are you talking about?

What’s been the highlight of your day?

Getting free drinks. I‘ve gotten so many free drinks. And they’re so cheap here! In Queensland drinks are like 20 bucks.


Jeremy, 49

Jeremy, 49
Jeremy, 49

Hi Jeremy, where are you from?


What’s your favourite thing about your hometown?

Ahhhh. Not much.

Well, Melbourne’s my hometown really, so the diversity, the fact that people feel free to be themselves in this town, and not have to worry too much about it.

What was the inspiration behind your outfit today?

My daughter. She dressed me. The rainbow kilt was a COVID purchase, because I’d grown out of my other kilts, so I thought I’d go rainbow. I probably identify as pan so there’s a little bit of that as well. But mainly my daughter, and she does my nails. 10 nails for 20 cents.


What a bargain!

It’s gone up… 10 cents a year ago.

Ahhhh, inflation. How old’s your daughter?

She’s ten.

And are you a fan of the outfit she picked out?

Yep, she picked out the runners six months ago, the nails are hers, so yeah, she has good style.

Jeremy, 49
Jeremy, 49

Nick and Sam

Nick and Sam
Nick and Sam

How long have you been together?

Nick: Two months. Two months, two days, and 58 seconds.

Who’s keeping count?

Nick: Both of us, right Sam?

Sam: Ah, yes, we’re up to 59 seconds now.

What do we do for work?

Nick: I run anti-bullying workshops for schools.

Sam: I’m a circus teacher.

circus bag
circus bag

And where are you from?

Nick: Russia.



No, I just have a really good Russian accent.

How would you describe your style in three words?

Nick: Tight and baggy. Like Russian gay.

Sam: You. Can. Never.

Finally, what would you like to tell the world?

Nick: Mum, I’m gay!

nick and sam's circus bag
nick and sam’s circus bag

All photos by Kallista Richards.

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