Gemini, May 2017

Life isn’t easy for anyone when Mercury is retrograde, but especially not for you, Gemini, since Mercury is your ruling planet! Mercury retrograde began in Taurus on April 9 (which felt slow as hell), during which time some of the ways you’ve been shooting yourself in the foot became apparent. Mercury reentered Aries on April 20, which gave you a chance to rethink any impulsive choices you made way back in March.

But don’t worry, Mercury turns direct on May 3, after which time the communication issues, technical difficulties, and delays will ease up. You’ll also stop running into so many people from your past (although this can be a fun part of the retrograde), and you’ll be ready to move forward with the commitments and ideas you’ve been reworking over the last few weeks.

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Messenger planet Mercury joins rebel Uranus in Aries on May 9 West coast, 10 East coast—now that the retrograde is over, you’re ready for the pace to pick up and for new discoveries to be made! You’ll meet some surprising people today and have some inspiring conversations; however, avoid drinking too much coffee, because the vibe will be restless today.

A full moon in Water sign Scorpio arrives on May 10, illuminating the sector of your chart that rules your daily chores, your day job, and your health and wellness. This is a powerful time to break bad habits—as the moon’s light wanes, the atmosphere supports letting things go. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth—what are you ready to let go of?

Now that the retrograde is over, you’re ready for the pace to pick up and for new discoveries to be made!

If the shit’s been ready to hit the fan at work, expect this full moon in Scorpio to push the issues over the edge. (Scorpio is a sign that’s not afraid to “go there.”) The same is true of how well you’ve been taking care of your health. If you’re ordering shitty takeout every night, this full moon is just the time to start learning to cook nourishing foods for yourself—before you find a roach (or a scorpion, gross) in your to-go box.

On May 11, warrior planet Mars, in Gemini, squares (a tense astrological aspect) hazy planet Neptune, in Pisces; meanwhile, communicator Mercury will make a harmonious connection to stable, grounded Saturn, in Sagittarius. Clearly, this part of the month will be busy for you, Gemini! Don’t overbook yourself during the second week of May, because you’ll need space to figure everything out.

Mars is in your sign this month, boosting your energy, but when it clashes with Neptune, you’ll likely find yourself confused about what to do with all your energy. You’ll notice this play out in your career or your public life. But Mercury, in straight-shooting Aries, will make an easy connection to Saturn, in Fire sign Sagittarius, which will create a stabilizing energy in your relationships. You might not know what the fuck you’re doing, and unfortunately, some jealous or even paranoid vibes will be in the air, but your partners will be there for you anyway!

Your ruling planet Mercury reenters Taurus on May 15/16, the sign it was in when it first started its retrograde last month. Take it slow—Taurus the cow isn’t in a rush to get anywhere. (But don’t worry, things won’t feel as painfully slow as they were during the retrograde!) Your psychic abilities will be heightened, and interesting messages will arrive in your dreams. This is a potent time to take a ritual bath for intuitive growth or to give automatic writing a try.

If the shit’s been ready to hit the fan at work, expect this full moon in Scorpio to push the issues over the edge.

Secrets will be shared, and confidential conversations or meetings could take place (mysterious!). You’ve been in an introverted mood throughout May anyway thanks to the Sun in Taurus, but when Mercury reenters Taurus, you’ll be in an especially quiet mood.

The Sun enters your sign, Gemini, on May 20—you won’t be in such a quiet mood anymore! Gemini season is your time to reconnect with what’s important to you and to be yourself. You’re starting a new year and a new cycle, so set the right tone! Don’t feel guilty about being self-centered during Gemini season—as long as the Sun is in your sign, it’s important that you put yourself first!

A new moon arrives in your sign on May 25, and it will come with plenty of drama. Sweet Venus will clash with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, in Capricorn. New moons bring new beginnings, so usually this would be an amazing time for you to set intentions for manifesting emotional and material abundance; however, the clash between Venus and Pluto will force you to take a second look at what’s important to you before you light any of your magick candles.

Venus is in Aries after a wearing Venus retrograde earlier this spring, which has encouraged you to reconsider the friend groups, communities, and organizations you belong to—and being a Gemini, you probably belong to many!

On a spiritual and emotional level, the Venus retrograde was major for you getting in touch with your hopes and dreams—as well as mourning some dreams that just don’t excite you anymore. It can be a bummer to lose passion for a goal or a hobby, but it happens—don’t beat yourself up for “growing out of it.” You’re growing into new things now!

Don’t feel guilty about being self-centered during Gemini season—as long as the Sun is in your sign, it’s important that you put yourself first!

But, when Venus clashes with Pluto, you’ll see the dark side of these new things—or worse. If you haven’t let go of your old social crew, or if you’re otherwise clinging to the past, shit will get worse! Pluto is teaching you major lessons on when to cut people off! Issues of trust, intimacy, and sharing resources will come up.

The month wraps up with your ruling planet, Mercury, making some helpful connections: a sextile (a productive astrological aspect) to Neptune, on May 28, and a trine (the easiest astrological aspect of all!) to Pluto on May 31.

What does this mean for you? Messenger planet Mercury mingling with dreamy Neptune is a great time for making art; thinking about or discussing art, poetry, or spiritual topics, and, emotionally, healing through talking things out. When Mercury connects with transformative Pluto, you’ll find it easier to tap into your shadow self, to explore your emotions and dig deeper into personal issues. It’s a powerful time for therapy or for connecting with others about taboo or secret issues!

You’re going to learn a lot about yourself by the time this month is done, Gemini. See you in June!