
Help Build a Hanging Canopy of 5,000 Glowing Condoms

Spanish art collective Luzinterruptus are bringing their Rain Interactive installation to London this week. The designers are known for their unusual and surreal lighting/art activism including latext gloves turned into floating lampsLED-infused syringes, and a plastic bag Christmas tree.

For this London-based iteration of Rain Interactive, people can come along and make their very own piece of what the artists call “prophylactic rain”—which basically translates to creating a glowing “raindrop” out of a condom (“extra large and extra strength”), some blue colored water, and a small light. The finished pieces will be hung to form a canopy outside the entrance to the Waterman’s Art Cenre in Brentford.

Videos by VICE

The event will take place over three days, creating a marquee of over 5,000 raindrops which people can walk under, touch, and experience a surreal version of rain without ever getting wet. Luzinterruptus says the drops are “very pleasant to touch and squeeze” while forming a “sensory and relaxing refuge.”

Luzinterruptus have toured the piece internationally, with kids and adults getting involved in making (and sometimes breaking) the raindrops. You can check out the images below, and video above, of the installation when they did it at the Campo de la Cebada square in Madrid.

Rain Intertactive will be at the Watermans Arts Centre from September 18 – 20. Go here for more details.

Check out more from Luzinterruptus in the links below: 

Giant Glowing Toilets Protest Spain’s New Public Safety Bill

Madrid’s Dog Poop Problem Inspires LED Art Intervention

200 LED-Infused Syringes Bring Spanish Health Care Policy to Light

See 1,400 Ghostly, Glowing Hands Illuminate a Lake

6,000 Plastic Bottles And LEDs Used To Make Glowing Labyrinth In Poland

Over 4,000 Plastic Bags Recycled Into Giant Illuminated Tree

This Is What Hundreds Of Illuminated Peppers Looks Like

Stunning Installations From Luzinterruptus Shed Light On Environmental Issues