
Legendary NatGeo Photographers Are Selling Signed Prints for Only $100

Help the planet while decorating your living room by snagging one of the 22 stunning photos now available as signed prints for National Geographic‘s Earth Day print flash sale. Landscape, animal, and culture photographs, by icons like Annie Griffiths, one of NatGeo’s first female photographers, and Ami Vitale, who dressed up like a panda in order to capture intimate photos of their behavior over the course of three years, are now available, signed, for $100. The publication is donating 27% of the proceeds to the non-profit National Geographic Society in order “to create a cycle of storytelling and philanthropy committed to research, science, conservation and exploration,” according to its website. Not only is the sale helping redefine the narrative around environmental issues, but promoting some of the most memorable images in the National Geographic archive.

The photos, also featuring work from living legends Paul Nicklen, Joel Sartore, Jennifer Hayes, David Guttenfelder, Cristina Mittermeier, Aaron Huey, David Doubilet, and more. 

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Check out a selection of their works below:

Photograph by Aaron Huey / National Geographic Creative. Oglala Sioux Indians race horses across the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. This image was published in the August 2012 issue of National Geographic magazine. The article, “In the Shadow of Wounded Knee: Pine Ridge Reservation”, highlights the resilience of the tribe and their customs.

Photograph by Ami Vitale / National Geographic Creative. 16-year-old panda, Ye Ye, rests in an enclosure at the Wolong Nature Reserve, a conservation center that trains pandas for release into the wild. This image was published in the August 2016 National Geographic magazine as part of the “Pandas Gone Wild” story.

Photograph by Brian Skerry. This popular image of a 45-foot, 70-ton right whale swimming beside a diver on the sea floor in the Auckland Islands has been published not only in the National Geographic magazine, but in several of our publications, including our commemorative “Around the World in 125 Years” book.

Photograph by Charlie Hamilton James / National Geographic. Creative Published in our May 2016 “Yellowstone – America’s Wild Idea” issue of the National Geographic magazine, this unique image features a grizzly bear guarding a bison carcass from ravens. The articles take a fascinating look at the interactions between humans and wildlife in our National Parks and examine what happens when we protect spaces large enough for these animals to be free of daily human contact.

Photograph by Cristina Mittermeier / National Geographic Creative. In this never before published photo, Christina Mittermeier captures the serious issue of water scarcity in a unique way. Colorful laundry contrasts the stark browns of a desiccated Madagascar riverbed as two emaciated cows continue their search for water. The image is a reminder of the daily competition for life-sustaining resources in many parts of the world.

Photograph by Annie Griffiths / National Geographic Creative. Snowy white pelicans feed in a nutrient-rich canal of the Mississippi River delta, an ecosystem that is under threat from both climate change and damage caused by the oil and gas companies. This image has been highlighted in several of our more popular books including our 2010 publication, “Great Migrations,” and our 2002 publication, “Women Photographers.”

Photograph by Jim Richardson / National Geographic Creative. First published as the cover to our “Edge of the World” story in the January 2010 issue of National Geographic magazine, this photograph of the grandeur of Scotland’s Isle of Skye could almost be mistaken for a painting. The basalt pinnacles of the Old Man of Storr loom high above the Sound of Raasay surrounded by some of the world’s most dramatic scenery.

Photograph by Paul Nicklen / National Geographic Creative. Paul Nicklen has a knack for capturing the personalities of underwater animals, as seen here in a unique shot of a leopard seal in South Georgia, Antarctica. Part of our Iconic collection, this image was shot on assignment for an article on leopard seals published in the November 2006 issue of National Geographic magazine.

Photograph by Peter McBride / National Geographic Creative. This unpublished photo by Pete McBride highlights the stunning Pjorsa River delta in Iceland at the precise point where it meets the Atlantic Ocean. McBride is known not only for his jaw-dropping aerial photography but for his focus on issues facing freshwater ecosystems.

Photograph by Randy Olson / National Geographic Creative. The aquifer-fed Platte River is a roosting area for roughly 413,000 sandhill cranes as they migrate between northern Mexico and Siberia. This shot was taken as an evening storm rolled in to the Nebraska plains just as the birds were beginning to land for the night. It was published in the August 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine.

Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark. These African white-bellied tree pangolins are among the most frequently trafficked animals in the world, primarily because some cultures maintain the belief that the scales of these creatures have curative properties. This image is part of Joel Sartore’s “Photo Ark” project and was published in the April 2016 issue of National Geographic magazine cover story “Every Last One.”

Photograph by Jennifer Hayes / National Geographic Creative. A harp seal pup seeks shelter from the constant wind that blows across the sea ice in Canada’s Gulf of St. Lawrence as it awaits the return of its mother. This image speaks to the necessity of taking climate change seriously as rising global temperatures threaten traditional harp seal nurseries built on ice that continues to grow thinner.

Get your piece of the National Geographic Earth Day flash sale here.


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