
Listen to Episode 10 of the VICE Gaming (UK) Podcast

UI illustration by Stephen Maurice Graham

For episode ten – ten – of the monthly (for now) UK VICE Gaming Podcast, the London office’s resident games person Mike Diver is joined by Scott White and Joe Merrick of the wonderful Bit Socket (one of my favourite podcasts out there, and also a recommended YouTube channel), as well as former gentleman turned own-business owner Jim Trinca, currently making cool stuff for companies like Capcom as Special Gun.

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Up for discussion: our early impressions of the out-right-now (no really you can buy it and everything) PlayStation VR; whether or not we’re excited about the Nintendo NX (or whatever they end up calling it); and the best new games we’ve played lately. There’s time too to speculate about the potential of Final Fantasy XV, touch upon the talking point that Rise of the Tomb Raider is better than Uncharted 4, and all go a bit gooey remembering how great Blood and Wine was earlier this year. GOTY or GTFO.

Listen to the podcast (or download it) via the SoundCloud embed below, and subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. That said, this is the final VICE Gaming (UK) Podcast, as the name will be changing soon. So, I guess, wait for that switch, and subscribe then. Probably.

Now, you might notice a drop in audio quality on this one. Apologies, it wasn’t something we were aware of while recording, but there was some interference on the radio mics we were using, and as a result we’ve had to cut one of them out of the mix entirely. What that means: Joe sounds like he’s in the room next door, some of the time (sorry Joe), and the balancing is basically not perfect. You’ll hear me, Mike, louder than you will Scott and Jim. It’s not an ego thing, honest. It’s just how it’s come out. Sorry, sorry, sorry – it won’t happen again (it might).

Catch up with all previous VICE Gaming Podcasts – the UK ones, anyway – right here.

Follow our guests on Twitter at @bitsocket and @jim_trinca. Follow Waypoint at @waypoint​.