
Watch French Doom Punishers Monarch Channel The Runaways with a Crawling Cover of “Cherry Bomb”

Monarch’s profile rises with every punishing, noise-spiked release, but they still like to keep us guessing. The shadowy spectres behind this French experimental doom troupe have always played their cards close to their chests, and the latest stirrings from within their black-robed camp have caught us all (even their label!) by surprise with this new cover. Legendary rock’n’roll hellions The Runaways‘ “ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb” becomes a neutron hammer when wielded with Monarch’s sadistic intent. Their cover version is entitled, “Cherry Bomb (Sacrifice Your Parents, Satan Wants You To),” and slathers the original’s peppy chords in wave upon wave of feedback-drenched, apocalyptic drone, swapping out half of the lyrics for peals of squalling distortion.

While release details remain hazy, we’re told that it “might” have come from an upcoming tour-only EP, perhaps recorded to coincide with their upcoming European jaunt alongside their like-minded countrymen Year of No Light. For now, lose yourself in this harrowing black-and-white video of the band brutalizing a classic:

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Catch Monarch on tour with Year of No Light in Europe this coming April:

4/9 – France, Blois, Chato’do
4/10 – Switzerland, Bulle, Ebullition
4/11 – Germany, Leipzig, Doom Over Leipzig Festival
4/12 – The Netherlands, Arnhem Willemeen
4/13 – Germany, Bielefeld, AJZ
4/14 – The Netherlands, Rotterdam, Baroeg
4/15 – Germany, Karlsruhe, Die Stadmitte
4/16 – Germany, Berlin, Droneburg Festival
4/17 – Germany, Hamburg, Droneburg Festival
4/18 – France, Dunkerque, 4 Ecluses
4/19 – France, Vannes, Echonova

Kim Kelly is looking up flights to Liepzig on Twitter.