
Someone Programmed a Vibrator to Get You Off While Playing Minecraft

Vibrators are the perfect orgasm tool. You can hold the device against your clit and have an orgasm while watching porn, you can put it against your pussy and have an orgasm while your boyfriend bangs you, and now, thanks to an 18-year-old Austrian student named Max, you can program your vibrator to make you orgasm while you mine for diamonds in Minecraft.

I found Max on Reddit where I often search for weird sex things; he’d proudly posted about his invention on the subreddit /r/SexToys. Max has tested the program on his girlfriend. She hasn’t gotten off (yet), but he’s working on programming additional toys. Soon, he hopes the added toys plus the vibrator will make his girlfriend come her face off as she plays. After I read about Max’s toys, I spoke to him about the program’s complicated instructions, video games, and why he hopes he can soon get you off with Minecraft too. This interview has been edited and condensed.

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Broadly: So what makes the vibrator vibrate? What does she have to do to be “rewarded?”
Max: The goal was that it would only vibrate when she found diamonds, so she would go mining more often. Bcause mining is just boring after some time, I decided to make it vibrate when she picks up XP-orbs. The intensity of the vibrations increase, the more orbs she picks up. [The vibrations] decrease again over time. There are 100 different possible speed settings and it is updated every second, so it really never gets boring.

The modified egg vibrator hooked up to a Raspberry Pi. Photo courtesy of Max

When did you and your girlfriend start playing Minecraft?
I started playing Minecraft during summer 2011, when a friend told me about the game. My girlfriend started playing around the same time too, but only played the mobile version because her laptop couldn’t run the game back then. Two years ago, some time after we came together, we started playing side by side and we absolutely loved it.

What mode do you two play?
We currently play with the Direwolf20 1.7.10 Modpack from the FTB Launcher. We always play survival multiplayer, but if there is too much grinding which destroys the fun, we cheat to get the stuff we want. Since we play on our own, self-hosted server, this is no problem at all.

Minecraft in action. Image via Flickr user Steven Saus

How did you create the vibrator?
First, I bought a very cheap egg vibrator. It had to be cheap, because I didn’t want to waste my money on something I could easily break while modifying. The next step was to cut the wire to the internal control circuit and to add two additional wires for my own one. Luckily, this was extremely easy to accomplish, because the vibrator I bought has very simple internals.

One of the two wires from the vibrator go to a small NPN transistor on a breadboard. The base of it is then hooked up to the GPIO18 pin with PWM (pulse-width-modulation) support. The last two wires connect the other side of the transistor: One is the other cable from the vibrator, the other one goes to a ground-pin on the Raspberry Pi [a credit card–sized single-board computer]. The Pi can now control the pulse width of GPIO18 from software, which opens up the transistor, which then gradually gives power to the vibrator. The last part of the vibrator itself was to create a small interface on the Pi (the original source code of this is here). It is accessible over plain HTTP, so every other PC/program/game/mod can send commands for the vibrator.

I think we will add another vibrator in the future though, so she can even reach orgasm when she has mined enough diamonds in Minecraft.

After that was working, I created a small Minecraft mod to send these commands. I made it to listen to XP-orb pickups and converted the amount of picked up XP into vibrator intensity. The intensity goes down with time again, so you are always searching for more monsters to kill, or ores to mine. The mod was then installed on our SMP server, and it was working right away. The old code can be found over here, if you want to have it too.

Does your girlfriend sit on it?
She normally slips it into her vagina while sitting with a laptop on her lap, that way she likes it the most. Because the vibrator itself is a normal vibrating egg and my modifications begin in its control box, it can be put everywhere you want. She says she can now pretty much tell the XP she received after killing a monster—and she is right most of the time—so she has to feel it pretty intensely. Sadly, she cannot orgasm from the egg alone. I think we will add another vibrator in the future though, so she can even reach orgasm when she has mined enough diamonds in Minecraft.

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What are your plans for future sex toys?
I already expanded the technology behind this one and added the possibility of multiple vibrators set to multiple modes. They get activated according to the amount of points you have already earned. The modes set the pattern of the vibrator. So, for example, if you are between zero and 100 points, the vibrator will just vibrate in a wave pattern, but when you get above 100, the vibrations will become continuous and more intense, the more points you receive. This is all up to the user though—the configuration can be edited in every way you like. The code for these additions (together with the improved Minecraft mod) is on a new GitHub repository for everybody who is curious. I’m still working on more modes and more game integrations to make this even more fun to play with. Every interested contributor is welcome and invited to add more stuff.