
Swearin’ Confirm First New Album in Five Years, Release “Grow Into a Ghost”

Philly-based pop-punk masters Swearin’ are finally back. After reuniting for a string of live shows with Superchunk earlier this year, the Allison Crutchfield-fronted trio have announced a new album, Fall Into the Sun, out October 5 on Merge Records. The first single from the record, “Grow Into a Ghost,” is a slower, cleaner burn than anything on their last LP, 2013’s Surfing Strange. Crutchfield’s voice settles into the resonant mid-range she honed on Tourist In This Town, her solo record from last year. It’s nostalgic without being too sentimental: “I write you ceaselessly in abstract / And hang out with old friends / And they unknowingly remind me / Of who I was before we met.”

Listen to “Grow Into a Ghost” below.

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